Chapter Seventeen

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Sophie Foster's POV

Nico coughed loudly again, cutting off his explanation.

I swear, this kid was doing it on purpose to leave us on the edge.

Will wasn't liking it either. He kept trying to make Nico eat more ambrosia, but he refused.

"Sorry again," Nico said when he was done coughing. "Anyways, The Source isn't something no one really knows about. It's not even something. It's literally made of Nothing."

He looked like he figured we'd know what the heck he was talking about.

"Seriously, you guys aren't familiar with the Theory of Nothing? Ask the wizards, they'll know. One of their kind experimented with it.

"Anyway, the first dark wizard contained The Source in a stone, but before he could use it, he died. The Stone was lost until now. We figured it was somewhere in Albania, bu that's not the point."

He trailed off and took a tiny sip of the water Will brought him. 

"Whoever found it is seriously lucky to be alive. If used wrong, The Source could wipe out entire cities, turning them into Nothing. And when I say nothing, I mean, Nothing, with a capital 'N'. So, if the idiot who found The Source is using it for bad things, like drawing in Hellhounds, which normally could care less if they're not in the underworld, then we are in serious trouble."

When he finished, everyone glanced around at each other in shock. 

"So," Keefe spoke up first. "The bad dude is obviously a Neverseen member who' also a wizard and possibly a demigod. What are the odds?"

"Very slim. Which is why we need your help."

A new voice from the door said. I turned around to see who it was.

"I could tell you about The Theory of Nothing if you'd like, I've studied it before."

It was Hermione, one of the wizards who had crashed into the camp on flying sticks.

"You can? How do you know about it?"

Hermione bit he lip and fingered a loose strand on her maroon and gold sweater.

"Because... because it's a wizard's fault The Source is being used for bad. That's why my friends and I ended up here, looking for The Source holder. Whoever it is must be stopped."

Ginny rounded the corner through the door next.

"Right. All good things aside, Tam, the one with silver hair, disappeared into the forest again. Figured you'd like to know, after Percy told us what happened the other day."

Annabeth shot a glare at Percy, who had been watching Nico's explanation from a shadowy corner. He shrugged.

Ginny flipped her fiery hair.

"Linh and Fitzroy went out to stop him, but they haven't returned."

I almost didn't notice what she said.

"Uhh, did you just call him Fitzroy?"

"That's his full name, right?"

"Yeah, but he hates it."

Keefe finished for me on his way out the door.

"I'm going to find Bangs Boy, anyone else coming?"

"I am," Nico said, pushing himself up off his cot.

"Oh no, you are not," Will demanded, shoving him back down.

"Nico says yes."

Nico swung his legs over the side, but when his feet touched the floor, he almost fell flat on his face. Hazel caught him and set his back on the bed.

"Nico, listen to Will. I don't think you should be getting up either."

Nico mumbled something under his breath but sat back down on his cot. Will rolled his eyes.

"You only listen to Hazel, huh?"


I rolled my eyes as loudly as possible before following Keefe out the door. Percy and Annabeth came too.

"Hey, Percy," I said, falling into step with him and Annabeth. "What did you mean the other day when you said Nico was your favorite cousin? You guys look nothing alike."

"Nico and I are both kids of the big three gods, Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon. Jason and Hazel are also technically my cousins too. And a girl named Thalia. She was a tree once. You haven't met her yet. She's Jason's older sister. But Nico's my favorite cousin."


Percy just shrugged.

"I don't know, because he's 'not my type'." 

Percy put the last words in air quotes, and Annabeth elbowed him again.

I was still trying to figure out what that meant when we reached the outskirts of the forest.

"Uurg, I hate it here. So many spiders."

Annabeth shivered, and Percy put his arm around her, bringing her closer.

"Here we go..."

Ginny mumbled, and stalked into the forest, disappearing into the shadows.

We were about to follow her when we heard the screams.

A/N: Hola. Don't worry, I won't leave you all on a cliffhanger for too long. Here's a quick thing I brainstormed about the god's reaction to Percy proposing to Annabeth:)

Percy: *Proposes to Annabeth*

Annabeth :*Says Heck Yes!*

The gods on Mt. Olympus, watching very carefully:

Poseidon: *smugly grins at Athena*

Athena: *bangs head on marble collum multiple times*


Artemis: Sad, she would have made a great hunter.

Hephaestus: Still not as cute as my boy Leo and Calypso.

Zeus: *yelling at Hera for letting this happen*

Hera: *Shrugging because she shipped them secretly*

Hades: *Actually smiling*

Demeter: *Didn't really know what was happening*

Pershepone: *Giving Hades a kiss because he looks cute when he's smiling*


If anyone wants to add a god reaction, do so in the comments, it will be delightful watching it go down ;)

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