Chapter Fifteen

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Sophie Foster's POV

Sleep is overrated.

Too many weird dreams.

So, even though Annabeth warned me about the harpies eating anyone caught out after hours, I decided to go on a walk, like the ones I used to take by the river in Alluveterre.

It really refreshes the mind.

And my mind needed a serious refresh.

Somehow, I ended up by the infirmary, where Will Solace was working late re-stocking supplies and taking care of Nico. That guy could run on coffee and granola bars for 72 hours straight if he needed to.

One of my sisters, Mila, said that during the titan war, Will was one of the only Apollo kids who were still able to walk around and heal people. Apparently, the Apollo cabin used to have a lot more occupants, too. There are only four Apollo kids I've seen, and they all keep to themselves.

I decided to see if Will wanted any help, so I knocked on the infirmary door as quietly as I could.

"Chiron, I know I shouldn't be here late, but I'm--"

"It's not Chiron," I interrupted him. The sound of footsteps came closer to the door, ad a lock clicked. The door squeaked open, revealing a very disheveled Will, who looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"Oh, hey Sophie. What's up?"

"I was just out for a walk, and I saw you still awake, so I decided to drop by and see if you needed help."

Will twisted the chain bracelet around his wrist, rubbing so hard red marks appeared. Upon closer inspection, I saw each chain section had a name inscribed on it.

"I mean, you're already awake, so if you want to help.."

I nodded and he opened the door wider to let me in.

Nico was the only one still in the infirmary after the attack, so Will seemed to be mostly making bandages and checking on Nico.

"So, Will," I said, sitting down to start wrapping a roll of bandages. "Why are you always here so late?"

He shrugged and took a sip of a cup of cold coffee on the table by Nico's cot.

"Sleeping is not a demigod's best friend. Normally, I sleep fine, but recently I've been having these weird recurring dreams, so I just come here. Nico woke up for a few minutes the other day, and I made him eat something, so the more I'm here the more likely I am to see him awake."

He shrugged again and drained the coffee.

"Here," I said, taking the cup from him to re-fill it.


He leaned against the wall, and in the shadows, the dark circles under his eyes became more prominent. 

"You remind me of Keefe," I said as I poured hot coffee into two mugs. "He doesn't sleep well either."

I handed him one mug and kept the other for myself. One thing about the forbidden cities I missed was the coffee. 

"You look like him too."

Keefe and Will had the same tousled blonde hair and blue eyes, but Will looked more like a beachy guy from commercials advertising a vacation to California. Will smiled.

"Are you and Keefe a thing?"

"I could ask the same for you and Nico."

Totally a guess, but he nodded.

"He's obnoxious and stubborn, and adorable, therefore he's mine."

I snorted.

"We're like the same person. Keefe is ten thousand percent annoying and stubborn, but he's my stubborn boy."

I realized what I'd just said and blushed red.

"But don't tell anyone, because it's not official or whatever."

Will nodded and took a giant gulp of his coffee even though it was still way too hot. 

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

He set down his second drained cup of coffee, finally looking more energized. He sat in the plastic chair next to Nico and sighed, looking almost defeated.

"Did Nico ever tell you about The Source? Apparently, it's a child of Hades thing, but I haven't really gotten the chance to ask."

"No. It's hard to make Nico eat, so trying to make him talk about his time in the underworld is like making him win a speed eating contest."

Will glanced at the clock on the wall behind him.

"Crap, Chiron's going to kill me. It's one in the morning."

Will pushed himself off the chair while I finished my coffee. 

"Hazel Levesque, Nico's sister, will be here tomorrow. You can ask her if Nico's not... Up yet."

Will bit his lip and looked away. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, you said it yourself, he's going to be okay."

Will smiled and opened the door for me, letting in the cold night air. We walked back to our cabins in silence.

"Hey, Sophie?"

He said just before I could sneak back into the Athena cabin.

"Yeah?" I whispered.

"Thanks for the coffee."

I smiled.

"Any time."

Will walked away, and I opened the squeaky door as quietly as possible. I climbed back into my bunk without waking up Annabeth, and when I finally fell asleep, I didn't have a nightmare.

A/N: A little fluff in this chapter! Don't worry, we're meeting Hazel and Frank in the next one!


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