Chapter Thirty-One

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Hermione Grangers POV

I keep telling myself that everything's going to be okay.

But nothing's okay.

I'm spending my time chasing down a god, and mind you, a god that controls the darkness.

All with a broken ankle, which now hurt like mad now that the adrenaline was gone. 

After Nico had joined The Source with the new stone, Goyle/Brant collapsed into dust, hopefully heading straight to Tartarus where he belonged. Then, a door with a purple outline led us back to the stream where we had been abducted.

Our backpacks were still there.

Let's say we hurried out of there and back into the forest. Will dig a digital watch out of his pack.

"Apollo's head, we were stuck there for a day and a half! now we only have around a day to stop a god."

Will threw the watch at a rock, where it shattered. He muttered curses under his breath and kicked a tree.

"So, now what?" Hazel asked. She and Frank had been traveling at the back of the group, moving at a slower pace.

"You ask me for help," A deep voice said from a puddle of water in a mossy rock. With a flash of light, the harmless rock became the chair for Poseidon, the god of the sea.

"Hello, kids. Need some help?"

"Dad, what... I didn't..."

Percy stuttered. Then he glanced at Linh, who sheepishly smiled and pulled her silvery hair around her to hide. Poseidon smiled.

"Hello, distantly related daughter. Nice of you to talk to me." He eyed Percy, who muttered a lame excuse under his breath.

"Anyway, I can help you. Just give me The Source, and I'll take care of it."

"Wait really?" Nico said. He narrowed his eyes. "I dunno. Can we trust you?"

"Of course! You can trust a -a god!"

The tiny hesitation in Poseidon's voice was all Percy needed. He flicked Riptide out of nowhere and had it pressed against fake Poseidon's throat in less than a second.

"Okay! Put the sword down!!"

Fake Poseidon sighed and transformed into a cloud of dust that floated away on the breeze.

"Well that was weird," George said from his position in front of Ginny.

"Yeah, what was that all about?" Tam added. He and Biana were holding hands next to Linh, Percy, and Annabeth.

You'll see.

"Please tell me I wasn't the only one who heard that," I said. I knew I wasn't. Everyone was glancing around to try and find the source of the whispery voice.

Come, children. Let's go on an adventure.

Then, for the second time, we were enveloped in darkness and whisked away.

A/N: Sorry for the lateish update! And the  short chapter :) If you can't tell, I'm a Tamana shipper!

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