Chapter Twenty-Five

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Sophie Foster's POV

Ginny pressed the large red button on the side of the door, and all the boys started yelling and running at the door, charging through it and hitting the wall on the other side of the hallway, then charging down the hallway, occasionally colliding with each other. All except Nico, who casually walked out of the room and nodded hello to Ginny. Hazel untied him.

Everyone else's hands were still tied.

"They're so stupid it hurts," Piper said. She had just watched Jason run into a wall and then fall over.

"Oh, hey Annabeth. Who opened the door, I want to fight them!"

Percy said. He attempted to grab Riptide from his pocket but he couldn't reach with his hands behind his back. Then he seemed to actually notice Annabeth.

"Oh, hey Annabeth! Uhh, fancy seeing you here! We broke out of the square room, soon." 

"Um, you mean we broke you out."

I said. I was watching Keefe try and untie himself before sheepishly asking for help.

"Just like Exilium, huh?" Keefe said once his hands were free;

"Worse, so much worse.  You failed miserably," I shot back. I still let Keefe hold my hand though.

Percy rolled his eyes. 

"Okay, we definitely would have never gotten out if it wasn't for you."

"It was Hermione who untied us. We owe her one."

 Linh said before untieing Percy and giving him a hug. Tam had bolted away with Frank after the door had opened.

I could hear Linh muttering something under her breath about it.


Ron asked. He and George were standing with Hermione and Ginny. 

"Yeah, she broke her own rope and then helped us."

Ron gave Hermione a huge hug, which she gratefully returned. Soon, footsteps echoed up the hall from the direction most of the boys ran. 

Sure enough, Jason, Harry, Will, Fitz, Frank, Dex, Leo, and Tam trudged back up the hallway, looking extra mad.

"Well, look who showed up?" Ginny said. She glared at Harry, a good, scary redhead glare, and gave him a kiss.

"Hi, Piper," Jason said.

"Hey Piper," Leo sheepishly grinned.

"Don't hi Piper me! Why did you run off like that, you could've been killed!" She untied both boys while still yelling at them, but she pulled them both into a hug.

"Frankie, what did I say about rash decisions?"

"Sorry, my brain was still in elephant mode."

Nico untied Will and lifted his voice a few octaves higher. 

"Why, oh why did you run off?" Nico said mockingly. Piper and Ginny glared at him, the combined power enough to shrivel a plant.

"Sorry. I swear, you guys are moodier than me."

Nico still let Will hug him. Biana untied Tam, whispering something in his ear that made him smile the tiniest bit.

Then Linh splashed him in the face, earning a high-five from Percy. I untied Dex.

"Seriously, what was with all the yelling and running into walls?"

Dex shrugged, swinging his arms around to regain feeling in them.

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