Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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Sophie Foster's POV

Dex muttered curse words under his breath in the enlightened language, trying to get his light back on. Then Ginny cursed.

"I'm so silly. Here," She muttered a spell under her breath, and a small light appeared at the end of her wand. Geroge sighed and recreated the same spell, but flinging the ball high into the air. I stayed near the ceiling like a light bulb, illuminating the room once again.

Illuminating the huge maze we would have to cross through.

"Hello, my dear, valiant contestants. Cross through this maze, and you'll meet me at the end. You have three hours."

A large projected clock appeared in the air. It started ticking down.

"Good luck, for if you do not finish this maze in three hours, your friends die."

Nico cursed under his breath.

"I can't feel this guy at all. It's creeping me out."

I decided that if the son of Hades was creeped out, the situation was unthinkably terrifying. I tried not to let my imagination run wild, because if I did I would be having nightmares for the rest of my long life.

"So, all we have to do is get through that huge maze in less than three hours?"

Hazel questioned, glancing at the clock that now had two hours and 58 minutes left on it. Dex tinkered with the light device he had made.

"Yeah, but there's no telling what Dark hid in there. There could be anything."

Dex's light flickered back on, this time flashing like a tracker. 

"This might help us get through. It should give us a general gist of which direction to take."

George flicked his wand, and a red compass materialized in his hands.

"We can cross check each others spells, that way we'll have double the chance."

Dex nodded, and he and George pointed their compasses toward the maze. Both arrows pointed down one path. They started down it, George's ball of light following them.

"Well, we might as well," Hazel said. She took Nico's hand and they followed Dex.

"I glanced at Annabeth and Percy, who were holding hands, both of them looking very pale. Annabeth nodded, and we followed Nico and Hazel into the maze.


We walked for two hours, turning left and right countless times, occasionally fighting off Things or other dark creatures. The clock in the air showed 58 minutes left when George stopped.

"You guys see that light too?"

We looked where he was pointing, at a soft glow at the end of a path.

"Another door?" I asked. Annabeth nodded.

"Most likely."

We followed the light, making several more turns and draining the clock of three more minutes when Ginny saw a plain wooden door surrounded by purple mist.

It opened when we got close.

Behind It was a scene like a normal office in a normal building in a normal city.

The man behind the desk, however, was not.

I back up into the empty space where the door had been, hitting a wall.


I whispered, at the same time Ginny gasped.


A/N: Two updates in one day? Why not. Kinda a short chapter, but I needed a Sophie POV. Please comment to let me know how this book is going!

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