Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Hermione Granger's POV

"Crap, where'd they go?"

Will said, standing on the spot the weird door had just disappeared. He kicked the ground and muttered curse words under his breath.

"We have to wait here, if they come out in the same place and we're not here, they won't know where they are."

Frank muttered, pacing around the hallway. He was clearly worried about Hazel. Keefe punched the wall again, cursing in the Elvish language.

"Keefe, I can't fix broken fingers here, especially since you can't eat ambrosia."

Will said, patting his pockets where he luckily stowed some ambrosia. His backpack had been taken along with everyone else's. Harry huffed.

"We can't make whoever's running this show let us in?" Harry raised his voice. "COME ON, SCUMBAG! LET US INTO THAT DOOR!!!"

The hallway rumbled enough for Biana to almost trip. Tam steadied her before she could fall.

"Thanks," She muttered, her cheeks turning pink. Linh elbowed Tam and smirked. He rolled his eyes.

"Guys, focus," Leo said, for once without fidgeting movements and jokes. " We need to get our friends out of there. And my brother, please."

No wonder he was so worried. I couldn't contemplate what it was like to lose a brother. I did know what it was like to lose friends though.

Everyone did, after the war.

"I'm afraid your friends won't be returning until they complete their objective," The booming voice said. It was like the voice was everywhere. There were no speakers in the halls, or holes in the walls for the voice to come out of. It was creepy. Biana covered her ears when she heard the voice and hunched over, trying to make herself as small as possible. Tam wrapped her up in a comforting hug.

"You also have something to do for me, if you do wish to see your friends again."

Harry cursed under his breath, a word Ron had taught him. A word Fred had taught Ron.

"Bring them back!"

"Ah, I wish it could be that easy. But, alas, I enjoy watching you all squirm."

Blue mist appeared and swirled around mesmerizingly. With a poof, another door opened, this one solid ebony black.

"Bring me a stone from behind that door, one worthy of holding The Source. If you do not succeed, your friends in the other dimension will not be coming out."

"Holy crap," Keefe's voice said. He had opened the black door, revealing a lush, humid jungle. Warm, sweet-scented air blew through the door opening, beckoning us forward.

"Guys, this place had so many rocks."

Leo said, peering behind Keefe. I went up to check with them, cursing under my breath after I forced Keefe out of the way to see.

The ground was littered with multi-colored rocks, of all shapes and sizes. I stepped through the door, my poufy hair already matted down in the heat. Luckily, everyone was able to squeeze through the door before it closed, sealing us off from the safety of the hallway.

I couldn't believe I'd been through so much, that a hallway in an evil guy's house was safe in my book.

After the door was sealed, the booming voice returned.

"Beware, this forest is not as it seems. One of you will know when you see the right stone. But hurry, you are on a time limit."

A huge projection of a clock with three hours on it appeared in the sky already ticking down.

"Pick the correct stone before your time is up, and I will let you out of the jungle dimension."

The voice went away, leaving us all In a deafening silence except for the sound of birds and the distant roar of a waterfall.

"What do you think he meant by 'Not as it seems'?" Fitz asked in his crisp English accent. He had been so quiet, I had forgotten he was there.

"I guess we'll find out soon," Ron said. He bent down and picked up the nearest rock, turning it over in his hands a few times before throwing it over his shoulder.

"How are we supposed to know which one is the right one?" Linh said, bending down to join the hunt. "I mean, the ground is made of rocks."

"I dunno. Maybe once of us touches it, it'll start to glow or something."

Biana muttered. Tam put a hand on her shoulder comfortingly, ignoring Linh's side-eye.

Everyone joined the rock-hunting session, throwing rocks over their shoulders and grumbling when none looked special. It seemed we would never find the right rock.


 Two hours had passed, and none of us had found a thing. Biana had found a purple rock and decided to pocket it because it was sparkly. Keefe had dug a hole in the ground, only finding more rocks. Leo was randomly catching fire, having to run the stream a hundred yards away to put himself out. 

I stood up abruptly, ignoring the ache in my back.

"I'm going to get a drink from the stream. I'll be right back."

I dashed away before Ron could try and follow me. I wanted to be alone. I ran to the stream, then changed my mind and leaped over it, crashing through the underbrush.

I ran for a while, until I dropped to my knees at the base of a huge, moss-covered tree. I leaned aginst the trunk and tried not to cry. Too many things were happening at once. Friends separated. Running errands for some creep to keep our priends alive.

It was so stupid.

I stood up and kicked the tree, sending several leaves falling into my face. I looked up to yell at it, but stopped when I saw what was in the branches.

It was a pure black stone, radiating pure energy.

I knew what it was.

I started climbing up the tree.

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