Chapter Nineteen

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Sophie Foster's POV

I tried to listen to Fitz, but the visions I had when the black mist came we still fresh in my mind. For some reason, it didn't affect the boys, and I had a feeling the mist did that on purpose.

I zoned back into Fitz's explanation when I heard the word, 'vision'

"So, We were out here when the vision thing happened to Linh," Both Percy and Tam grabbed one of Linh's hands, "And then the shadows bunched together and started surrounding her. Then Tammy here broke out the sword of death and started stabbing it, and Percy came crashing in with his pen, and we killed it."

He shrugged like it was the easiest thing ever. Tam rolled his eyes.

"You left out a few important parts, but yes. That is the gist of it."

A/N: Hi Nebula.
Sorry, there goes the fourth wall:)

"So, you're saying the Source attacked us directly? Did you see anyone else?"

"I don' think it was The Source. I think The Source sent it. It was pure darkness, darker than shadowflux. I'm not sure how to fight that thing, was like nothing I've ever felt."

Tam picked up the black sword and twirled it around in the air. 

"This is Nico's sword. It drinks shadows, but it wasn't taking those in as well as it should have been."

Tam shook his head.

"I need to take a nap. Shadows are acting weird."

Linh splashed him with a ball of water when he slumped forward like he was falling asleep on the spot.

We walked back out of the forest, avoiding any shadowy areas. We made it almost all the way down the hill when Goerge Weasly ran up to us.

"Bloody hell, what happened here? Ginny, are you alright?"

Ginny's pale face was red and blotchy from crying, and she had a few small scratches scattered around her skin.

"I--I'll tell you later. it--it's about Freddie."

George took a step back, then lunged forward and pulled Ginny into a hug.

"We should tell Chiron about this. If we want to have any chance of finding The Source, Chiron's going to have to help."

Annabeth and I volunteered to tell Chiron everything. Percy wanted to come, but he needed to help Linh get Tam to the infirmary.

Keefe went off talking to Fitz about the whole battle, the two best friends hitting it off. They hadn't had a good chance to talk the past few days.



"What... Did you see when the black mist was in our heads?"

Annabeth went deathly quiet. She looked very pale, and her gray eyes looked... Scared. I'd never seen Annabeth scared before.

"There's a part of the stoy Percy didn't tell you. Do you remember what I told you about the Athena Parthenos?"

I nodded. I remembered Annabeth telling the story of how she found it, having to fight her worst enemy, Aracne.

"Okay. Well, right after that, Aracne was falling onto Tartarus... and she stuck a web around my leg and dragged me down with her. Percy... Percy held into a ledge with one hand and me with the other, and made Nico promise to lead them to the Doors of Death."

She paused and took a deep breath.

"Percy and I fell into Tartaurus, the living hell, and we stayed alive somehow down there for weeks until we made it to the doors of death and got out."

Her eyes started scanning the flat strawberry feilds like she was expecting Tartaurus to open up and swallow them.

"I saw myself down there... Without Percy. I don't know what i'd do without him."

"So... You're telling me you went to hell and back, and you lived and still won the war with Gaea? Both of my adopted moms wouldn't want me to say this, but... You are badass, Annabeth."

Annabeth smiled.

"Thanks, sis."

She ruffled my hair and we continued the walk to Chiron's office at the big house in silence. 

When we reached the door, Annabeth went to knock, but the second her fist hit the door it opened.

"Thant's strange, Chiron never leaves the door open."

Annabeth drew her sword made of bones and kicked the door open, stepping in infront of me.

"Chiron? Chiron, what's going on?"

Annabeth disapeared through the door. I cautiously follwoed her, willing my clumsiness into submission so I didn't make a sound. 

At the end of the hallway where Chiron's door was, Annabeth paused to knock again, not waiting for a response before slicing the door open with her bone sword.

She gasped. I ran into the room behind her.

"Chiron's... Gone."

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