Chapter Thirty-Three.

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Annabeth Chase's POV

Final Chapter

"Would you like me to spell my name in the air with your wand again?" Erebus said with a smirk. Harry cursed, and George still hadn't moved. Then, before Erebus could start to talk again, he moved.

"You. You brought my sister to the chamber of secrets. She almost died. You set the snake on my father. He almost died."

George stepped closer to the god/ evil lord, rage hidden in his eyes, ready to be unleashed.

"You ordered the attack on Hogwarts. You killed Lavender Brown." Hermione buried her face in Ron's neck and Ginny had tears pouring down her face. From their place in the sand closer to Erebus, Sophie and Keefe inched away from George like they knew something was about to go down.

"You killed Remus and Tonks. You murdered Colin Creevy. Severus Snape died under your command."

Erebus grew very pale and backed up so that his feet were in the water. George continued to advance on them. With a quick glance at Will, who was still trying to keep Nico's frail figure alive, Will nodded and pulled Nico farther away from the chaos. 

Nico was still alive, but only barely.

"YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!" Gerogre screamed in rage and shot spells at Erebus, who was hit by multiple.

"YOU KILLED HIM IN COLD BLOOD, YOU DID!" George shot a curse that lifted Erebus high in the air and dropped him on his head.


Erebus was slammed onto the sand repeatedly until he crumpled, his nose bleeding, and several appendages bent the wrong way.

But George wasn't done. Harry and Ron join him, shooting spells wildly at Erebus. 

I would've felt bad if my sister wasn't currently passed out on the sand next to Nico.

"Tell me how to release The Source. So that no one can control death."

Erebus shook his head.

"Never. You would die anyways. Only a child of the shadow can do it."

George nodded and shot Erebus with a spell that made him explode into dust. Harry conjured up some wind that made the Erebus dust float away.

"Will, where did Nico put The Source stone?" George asked, deadpanned. Will retrieved it from Nico's pocket and handed it to George. Ginny ran up before George could do anything.

"George, you heard what he said! You could die!"

George just smiled at Ginny.

"I've figured it out. It's just a Horcrux. A huge Horcrux. I'm going to destroy it. Harry, do you remember any parseltongue?"

Harry shook his head. "No. That was all wiped away."

George frowned. He stared at The Source in his hand. 

"I can," Keefe said quietly from Sophie's side, where Linh and Biana were now also kneeling by her side.

"I can speak any language. Just tell me what to say."

George and Harry looked surprised. So did Percy, but he didn't say anything. He was busy making sure Hazel was okay.

"Open. Say open. In the snake language," Harry said. Keefe blew out a breath.

He opened his mouth and made a series of swishy, whispery sounds. 

The Source exploded with shadows.

Voices screamed out from it. Screams. Whispers. Arguments. Just a cacophony of voices, enough to make me want to rip my ears off. 

"KILL IT!" Will, Percy, Frank, and Fitz yelled at the same time. 

George cried out and pointed his wand at it. A green beam of light blasted out of it, and then the world exploded into white light.

A/N: I bet you guys all hate me now. *Sweats nervously* Shout out to all of you who commented on this In the beginning CTZX2022, and Tiana4evahh!! In the wise words of ThatOneAuthor101: "chuck me a follow!" 

There will be an epilogue, don't worry!

Thank's for all your comments and votes!

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