The Epilogue

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Special Calypso POV!!

A flash of white light, and all the demigods who had gone on the quest a few days ago were back, some of them in need of serious medical help.

I saw my Leo there, running down half-blood hill and screaming his lungs out for help.

I ran for the Apollo cabin and threw the door open, scaring Kaylee and Austin to death and rapid firing my explanation.

They ran as fast as they could, which was fast considering Apollo isn't the god of speed. 

Keefe was carrying Sophie bridal style and Linh and Biana were helping Tam walk. Nico was thrown over Will Solaces shoulder and Hazel was being carried by Frank.

George, one of the wizards, was bleeding in multiple places and having trouble staying conscious.

Everything blurred together.

 The infirmary grew very busy. I had to wait outside with Leo and Dex and everyone else who wasn't injured.

It was torture, especially for Keefe, Frank, and Linh and Biana. 

Ginny wasn't having fun waiting outside either.

Finally, after a few hours later, a daughter of Apollo named Hayley came out and told us we could go in, but we had to be quiet. 

Leo, Percy and Fitz volunteered to stay outside With Piper and jason to save space, but I went in.

Sophie was awake, her color returning, Keefe was sitting on her bed expressing his worries for her. Dex was there next to her too, and Annabeth. They both looked extremely relieved. 

To my surprise, Biana was kissing Tam while Linh watched with a smirk on her face. She shot me a wink and a smile.

Nico was still unconscious, but Will and Hayley said he would recover. Hayley gave her half-brother a huge hug after they said that, and forced Will to tell her everything about what happened to her favorite soon to be brother.

I turned away when Will turned bright red.

George would be okay too. His siblings, Ron and Ginny, were sitting next to his bed, silently crying over what Leo had told me about his outburst on Ogygia.

Ogygia. I couldn't believe they'd been back there.

I shook the thought out of my head and reported back to the others waiting outside.

I didn't mention Biana and Tam to Fitz though.

He seemed like an overprotective older brother.

I gave Leo a kiss and he promised me he wouldn't go on another quest without me.

Then we watched the sunset at bunker nine with Festus.

Everything was okay.

A/N: Heeyyyyy everybody! Thanks for reading this way-longer-than-i-thought-it-would-be fanfic! I might come out with a part two with just the keeper crew and the demigods, or the keeper crew at hogwarts!

Stay tuned and read my other fanfics! 

Special thanks to user CTZX2022 for all the comments and reads :)))))

Adios for now, Amigos and amigas

-Hayley who likes to write

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