Chapter Nine

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Sophie Foster's POV

Percy told me that monster attacks are normal around these parts, but judging by the look on Chiron's face, Hellhounds are not.

I might not be an empath, but I can read people pretty well.

It's something Keefe taught me.

After Percy left to check on Annabeth, I busied myself wrapping bandages for Will Solace after he had used most of them for healing the demigods who had been injured in the attack.

He also used them for some Hermes kids who had gotten into a fight with the Ares cabin after trying to prank them. 

No wonder I hadn't seen Fitz during the battle with the Hellhounds.

He was busy arguing with a couple of Hermes kids over some stupid prank.

I refused to stay angry at him though.

Kiara, a girl from the Hectate cabin, wandered over and started helping m with the bandages. 

"You know, I think it's really amazing that you can talk to people with your thoughts."


Kiara shifted in her seat. She snapped her fingers and two rolls of bandages rolled themselves up. 

"Did you know that you are not the only half-demigods out there?"

That made me perk up.

"Wait, really?"

"Yes, there are magical people in England. They do not know of us, however.  They are descendants of Hectate, my mother."

She shook her head and smiled.

"You coming here reminded me of them. Perhaps they will end up here too. This is the land of the lost and lonely. We might as well be one big family."

Kiara smiled. She really had a way with words. I was reminded of a book series I had read when I was younger. I couldn't remember the title, but the author was definitely British. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice anything around me until Linh started stealing.

"Tam is awake! He's alive!" 

I ran over to Tam's cot, where Will Solace was there alongside Linh. 

"Tam, how are you?"

"Sophie, the Neverseen! They were there in the forest..."

Tam leaned his head back onto his pillow.

"S-sorry, it's hard to move. Anyways, they sent the Hounds, and they had these creepy silver masks over their faces, but the white eye was still on the sleeve."

He blew out a breath. His silvery eyes seemed unfocused, and his words slurred together.

"So tired..."

Tam closed his eyes and fell back asleep.

"Is that normal? He'll be okay, right?"

Linh asked, hovering around Tam's cot.

"Yeah, he over-exerted himself, and,  add that to the leg injury, he might take a while to recover."

Linh sighed and sat back down on the plastic chair. I decided to escape the infirmary and head to the beach.

The salty air helps me think.

It reminded me of San Diego, and days I would go to the beach with my family. Tears started dripping down my face.

Watching the waves crash onto the shore and listening to sea-gulls squeaking over head made me spiral into memories of my childhood.

"Sophie, build a sand castle with me!"

"Hey, soybean, do you want a sandwich?"

"Honey, put on your shoes, the sand is hot."

Before I knew it, I was just crying, there on the beach. I heard footsteps in the sand behind me, but I didn't bother turning around.


Keefe sat down beside me and wrapped his arms around me. 

"Are you okay?"

I nodded, even though I wasn't okay. Hiding it felt like the better decision right now. We had too much going on, with the strange silver-masked Neverseen.

"I know you're not, but I won't ask."

His grip tightened on me before he let go. He sat back and closed his eyes, letting the warm afternoon sun hit his face.

"Do you want to--"

A crack filled the air, and five people dropped out of the sky, each clinging to what looked like sticks landed close to the Athena cabin. I sprinted over there without a second thought. 

A boy with jet black hair and a small scar on his forehead.

A girl with bright red hair.

Two boys with orange hair that looked like each other.

A girl with bushy brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Ronald! I told you we went south instead of north, we went the wrong way!"

The brown eyed girl said. She had a sharp British accent. 

Chiron, Annabeth, and Percy were already there, staring at the newcomers ith awe. The boy with black hair stood up.

"Hello, my name is Harry Potter. Mind telling us where we are?"

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