Chapter Fourteen.

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Hermione Granger's POV

I can't believe Harry told Annabeth and Percy about The Source! It's a guarded Misistry of Magic secret, not something to be told to descendants of the greek gods.

I'm still trying to digest the enormity of it all.

Apparently, there are Elves, too. 

I'm losing track of all the stories Ginny told me when she and Harry came back to the cabin were all staying in.

I also can't believe I'm the great-great-great-great-great-great-something granddaughter of the goddess if magic!

I mean, so is every student at the schools of witchcraft and wizardry around the globe.

Back to The Source, though.

The demigods can't know everything. Neither can the Elves. It could destroy some of the fundamental wizarding laws. But The Source isn't something to be tampered with, either. It's incredibly dangerous.

In my fourth year at Hogwarts, I picked up a book at the library for some light reading. I came across a story about Eric the Oddball and his good friend Wesley coming across The Source. Apparently, looking at The Source without knowing it's true power can kill you.

That's what happened to Wesley, according to the story.

It's also what drove Eric mad.

He was interviewed later, and he said The Source wasn't a thing you could hold or see or touch... It was made of Nothing. 

No color.

No sound.


I did more research after that to try and find out more about the Theory of Nothing. I found quite a bit.

Wise wizards of the past recorded experiments with Nothing, testing it's appearance.

They found nothing.

Quite ironic, finding nothing in Nothing.

It's hard for me to imagine it. Even pulling nothing from the empty air would still be something. It's difficult to wrap the mind around the idea of nothing existing.

Oddball went on to explain hat he saw dark forces trap The Source into a usable Thing to contain it... A small gemstone, shaped like an oval and black in color. Oddball deliriously said the stone would randomly emit darkness.

Containing Nothing made darkness easier to control. 

Nobody believed Oddball until an ancient dark wizard used the contained Source for bad deeds.

Then he went missing, along with the Source.

 It hasn't been seen since, until recently my friends and I graduated Hogwarts and went on to live normal lives free of the dark lord.

Then things started popping up in Muggle newspapers.

So we went to try and stop it. 

And ended up here.

Quite the adventure, no?

We'll have to see what tomorrow brings us. We might have to band together to stop this.

A/N: Hello!

Lots of fluff in this quick chapter, I just wanted to explain more about The Source and it's history. If you haven't noticed already, this chapter is in Hermione's POV, so I used bigger and more sophistication sounding words to make her character shine through.

I'm getting to the good stuff soon, it won't be easy uniting all the different world ;)

(I'm evil)



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