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Funny how you can make two real friends in the span of two months. I have 2 more friends now other than my neighbor Kim.

My two new friends are Lia, and Yohan.

Yohan's gay too, but damn if he isn't looking so beautiful, I bet if he joined Miss Universe, he'd surely win, and he is smart too! Though I'm still a little smarter. And he is so cheerful, that everyone in the room likes him even guys, he is everyone's sunshine here. He have this soothing personality that everyone tends to be happy around him. He is just way too precious.

As for Lia she is the opposite of Jet, Lia's personality is like a wave on the calm ocean, a horizontal line among all of the vertical lines, but she's beautiful. There are lots types of beautiful, some of them are flowery beautiful, but she isn't that... Lia is gothically beautiful, if that word even exist. But that's Lia for y'all, and she's smart, and cold-hearted, and kind.

Well those two always hang out together, though I don't know how they can stand each other for that long, while I'd rather just sit near the window, and study than hanging out, or maybe just zone out, there should be time scheduled for all the people to zone out, or a place even.

Because now is one of those times where I just want to breath, cause breathing is fun.

"Hey, Chay" I heard Kim's voice rang through my ear, making me halt my breathing.

I glared at him, if only he knows that, it's me time.

"Yeah what?" I smiled nonetheless

"Why are you sitting here alone?" He asked

"I wanted to." I answered shrugging

He stares at me, and took a sit beside me.

"Are you okay?"

Damn, his warm words again... I've been trying to shrug off this kind of feelings for a week now, but it's just- everytime Kim asked if I was okay or not.... It made my heart flutters.

I smiled at him genuinely

" ofcourse I am, I was just occupied with my thoughts since this biochemistry is difficult, and I just can't wrap my mind on it." I answered showing him my notes.

" Ah, I'll teach you. I thought you were smArt? " He teasingly said. I just scrunched my nose at him.

And he did teach me, for like 3 minutes, and we played games on our phone, and composed a lyric in an hour.

(What a beautiful match.)

(You'd  make a beautiful couple)... I heard a voice whispering  in my head.

"Chayiee! Hey! Kim!" Yohan walks to us excitedly.

"H-hey, Yo." Kim stammered

If I didn't catch that stuttering I wouldn't know, but I did somehow heard Kim stutter, and not in those 2 months I've ever heard the almighty Kim stuttered. Not once. Not ever.

I side eyed Kim, and whispered "you like him."

His eyes widened in shock, his cheeks turned crimson. Got ya!

Kim stood up and ruffled my hair

"I gotta go, we'll go home together, okay?" He reminded

" Well actually, We Lia and I are coming with Chayie" Yohan excitedly said

" You can still walk with us, If you want" I offered, smirking at Kim, knowingly.

" Yeah, yeah sure. I'll see you then! " Kim said looking at Yohan, as he walk himself towards his other circle of friends.

Yohan sat down beside me, and Lia just stood in front of us.

" Do you like Kim? " Yohan asked, I almost choked on my saliva.

" Uh? Why? No. " I said bitterly making a face

" Well, you know? Kim is handsome, kind, is a composer and Smart, don't you like him? "

" No, Yohan I don't. But now that you mention it... Do YOU like him? "  I asked emphasizing the word YOU, but also praying he'd say NO.

Please say No, please say no... Please...

" Yeah, kinda" he answered coolly

I gasped, and looked at Yohan's direction.

Eyes Wide, Mouth Cover With Hand, Heart Breaking.

I couldn't utter a word, Yohan smiled at me as he started to blush, and he had to cover his face.

He is so pretty.

They'd look good together.

Damn, Yohan's not the best competition when it comes to Love.

I can't win to that.

I'll never win to that.

It's unfair.

Kim likes Yohan, Yohan Likes Kim.

I am already defeated even before this game called "Love" started.

(Cries dramatically.)

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