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Chay didn't reply, and I can't see him at school today or tomorrow cause it's weekend, and I had plan with Yohan today.

I'll catch up with Chay some other time.

I planned to take Yohan on the arcade today, and I'm hoping to tell him about how I feel.

It's already five in the afternoon, and Im  ready for our mini date . I studied myself in a full length mirror, I only used my white t-shirt, and blue jeans. I looked ... Rather plain, but who cares? It doesn't made me less handsome.

After I'm satisfied with how I look, I finally went downstairs, and noticed some cars outside.

Kinn is home, he was on the balcony with Pa.

"I'm out for tonight, I may or may not come back here later, depends" I shrugged, taking my car keys on the table.

"Take Care, Son." Pa reminded.

"Kim! Here's the duplicate key on the apartment, just in case you want to go there." Kinn shouted, as he threw me the key.

I catched it successfully, and put it in my pocket. I wonder why Kinn's here, he don't usually come home.

"Thanks, I'll get going now!" I shouted, as I went inside my car.

I was too occupied with my thoughts of fating Yohan, that it slipped my mind to ask Kinn if he had any idea of what's happening at Chay's house. Anyway, some other time, I guess.

As I was heading to Yohan's place, I realize I should buy him a bouquet of red roses.

It was exactly 6:00 pm when I got to their house. I became too aware of my features that I had to look at myself in the mirror for the nth times.

I'm dating Yohan, I had to look presentable.

I'm feeling nervous though, I just wish Chay would miraculously pop out of nowhere, and say words of encouragement.

Taking a deep breath, I went out of my car, walk towards their gate, and rang the bell.

As soon as I did, it opened almost immediately.

I sucked in a sharp breath as I scanned the beautiful feature of man standing in front of me, smiling beautifully.

Yohan, in all glory. Wearing the most simple outfit he could wear. A white cropped top, and a blue jeans. We're coupling. But he is more ecstatic.

No words can explain how beautiful he looked right now. I can't tell if he used a little make up, that his cheeks are a little pink or he is blushing.
But I can tell he uses something on his lips, it looked more prettier now.

But all in all, Yohan still looked the same, still the prettiest.

"You look beautiful." I uttered smiling at him, I handed him the bouquet, I've bought earlier.

"Thank you." He smiled.

His smile is breathtaking. Everything about him is breathtaking.

I guided him to my car, and opened the door for him.

"We're going where?" He asked as he settles on the seat.

" It's a secret, and I bet you'll like it. " I said excitedly.

I'll thank Chay, again. For telling me about what's Yohan's ideal date.

I sat on the driver's seat, and started the engine.

I opened the car's radio, and play some Ariana Grande's Song.

Chay also told me that Yohan liked Ariana, so I made a playlist of her.

"You listen to Ari?!" Yohan turned to me, his eyes seems so excited.

"Yeah, sometimes." I answered.

I do listen to Ariana Grande, sometimes just not so often.

But I'm more on Bon Iver's, David Gates' and Cigarettes after Sex.

Chay's the only person who knows that.

As the music started, Yohan started humming, he was looking outside the window.

I can't keep my eyes on the road as he sat there perfectly, just inches from me.

"We're here." I said excitedly.

I went outside my car, and opened his door for him, as I assist him out the car.

"An Arcade?" He asked excitedly.

I nodded.

"You're the best!" He then held my hand and he led me through the Arcade.

Yohan's personality is soft, his hands are warm. And His voice is melodic. Perfect. He is perfect.

We tried almost all of the arcade games, and Yohan's been having a lot of fun, and now we're tired.

"Let's eat." I offered, he smiled at me, and followed behind.

We've ordered our preferred food, and Yohan ordered seafood. He liked seafood.

"Yohan" I started, feeling a little nervous, I suddenly don't know what to say.

"Hmm?" He hummed raising his eyebrows, leaning a little closer.

" I just want you to know, that... I like your company, and I enjoyed today,  I like being with you, and I... I like you. " I said in a lower voice.

I maintained my eye contact with him, and he  looked at me with so much appreciation.

A smiled crept from his face, and he covered it with his hands, I noticed how his ears turned crimson red. Cute.

"I do too, I had fun with you tonight, and I really like being around you. Thank you." He said giggling.

I chuckled, he looks more cuter, and prettier.

"And... I like you too." He finally said, avoiding my gaze.

"Does that mean, I got a shot for a second date?" I asked, throwing

He smiled at me wholeheartedly.

We both laughed at the awkwardness but it's good, it's a good awkwardness.

After eating, I dropped Yohan on his home, and went back to the mansion. I wanted to go at Kinn's apartment but it's already late, and as I've mentioned, It's more convenient.

I opened my phone once again to check if Chay texted back, but to my dismay he didn't. He didn't even seen it.

I didn't text him again, I'll just see him tomorrow.

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