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I love Saturdays, I got to woke up late, stay at home, eat whatever I want, play video games all night long, with Kim if he wanted to. And besides tomorrow's Sunday! YEY!

I looked over the alarm on my bedside and I realized that's it's already 9am.

Life's wonderful.

I heard my stomach rambling, so I had to eat ofcourse.

After arranging my bed, I went straight to my bathroom to wash my face.

I had to open my bed room's window just in case Kim wanted to see me, just kidding.

I heard a knock on my door, and I opened it.

"Breakfast is getting cold, let's eat." P'Porsche said opening the door wider .

" Good morning, let's eat then!" I said excitedly.

I went down excitedly, and noticed that
someone's on the kitchen.


"Hey Chay, I've reheat the sandwiches, and the pasta, it has been there since 7am, so..." P'Kinn explained.

"Thank you, Phi." I answered as I sat down on the kitchen chair.

P'Kinn, and P'Porsche are literally inseparable.
They can't live without each other, and I'm not complaining, my brother has been through a lot I'm happy P'Kinn's making him happy.

P'Porsche made his way to P'Kinn, and hugged him from the back.

I wonder if Kim, and I would look like this...

Kim likes Yohan, Yohan Likes Kim.
Kim likes Yohan, Yohan Likes Kim.
Kim likes Yohan, Yohan Likes Kim.

Yeah shit, I don't need to be reminded.

It hurts already.

I heard my phone dings, and opened it.

: Hey, You in there? It's Saturday, I wanna hang out, you can't say No, I'm at your doorstep already, Please open the door.

A smile crept over my face as soon as I read the message. I ran towards the door, and opened it immediately.

"Good Morning." He said smiling, handing me an Iced Coffee.

Before I could answer him I heard P'Kinn's voice from the kitchen

" Good morning to you too, Kim. Why the fuck are you here?"

"Why are YOU here?" Kim answered, as he entered the house.

" Well, my boyfriend's here." P'Kinn said, and kissed P'Porsche cheeks.

"Ew." I heard Kim whispered.

"Oi, Kim! It's too early for Chay to have Iced Coffee!" P'Porsche said as he walks towards me, and took my Iced coffee away

" You'll drink this later, we'll eat breakfast first, okay?" p'Porsche told me, calmly.

I nodded in understanding.

I took a sit on the kitchen chair once again, ignoring Kim, and his brother.

They'll bicker for almost 10minutes until Kim gets tired of talking, and just sit on the sofa, and watch T. V.

Happens all the time.

After I'm done eating, I washed the dishes, and took a bath.

"Chay! I'm going out with Kinn. We might take long, Bye, Love you!"

"Take Care!" I answered.

Kim just boringly sat there reading magazines.

" I'll just arrange my room, so we could play video game." I told Kim, he just nodded.

After some time, everything's on their place. Kim was still sitting on the couch, and playing with his phone.

"Hey! Come up Now!" I shouted, he immediately went off the couch, and run upstairs.

I sat in my bed, as he sat on the floor.

" Actually, I'm not here to play video games Chay. " Kim said lowering his voice.

I raised my eyebrow at him, and he stares at me for too long, contemplating if he'd say it or not.

"I want to ask for a favor, really big one" he fidgeted.

I think, I know where this is going. And I don't like it...

"Go on. As long as I can, I will." I answered, resting my face on my arms.

"Will you... Help me Pursue Yohan?"  He finally said.

I knew it!

I don't want to.

"I don't want to." I declined, sitting  properly. I shift my attention on my phone

"Why not? Do you like Yohan?!" Kim exclaimed, sitting next to me, shaking my shoulder like a little kid.

I thought Kim's smart, and an observer but I was wrong. He can see everything through, but not my heart.

"What? NO!" I said pushing him away.

"then why not? Please? " He convinced.

I then closed my eyes, and shook my head.

"What's the Bribe? What do I get for helping you? " I say

" You want bribe? " He asked confused

" Ofcourse! You're asking for a favor, I want something in return!"

I can't ask for him to love me in return, but I can ask him to give me something to make me feel a little better.

" Okay fine! I'll treat you iced coffee for a whole week. " 

I sucked in a sharp breath, and swallows the lump on my throat. I know too well this wouldn't be fair for me. But yeah who'd say 'no' for iced coffee?

" Really?! Oh gosh! Deal! I'll help you. "  I excitedly said.

I do like Kim, a lot. But I guess i can't do anything about who his heart wants...

So as a good friend, I'd help him.
I'd help him, and I'll just forget about my own feelings.

Yeah, that's the best thing to do.

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