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Roeena along with Reya reached the beach resort and they checked -in, Reena socialized with the wives of Rocky's friends, while the men were together. 

Reya was the only kid there, so she became the cutie pie there, everyone began hovering around her, pampering her. 

They went to the games area of the Hotel and the men played games, whereas the women sat to gossip. 

Reya was with Richard, a close associate of Rocky. 

She was by his side while playing table tennis, and Rocky was playing snooker with the others. 

Suddenly, Reya noticed a lizard on the nearby wall, Reya got scared and ran from there calling Rocky, "Papa! Papa!" 

Rocky was in the other end of the room and he was startled to hear a teary voice of Reya. 

He dropped the cue stick and turned to find Reya coming towards him. 

"Reya, princess." He said picking her up. 

Reya snuggled into Rocky into the crook of his neck and whimpered. "What's it, baby? why are you crying?" asked Rocky slowly rubbing her back.

 "Papa, li-lizard." Reena came there and found Reya in Rocky's arms and rubbed her back slowly. 

"Shh,  it's okay," said Rocky rubbing her back. 

But Reya continued to whimper making Rocky worry. 

"Where is the manager?" he called. 

"Manager, where is he?" screamed Rocky to the support staff, scaring them.

 Unfortunately, the manager came there by himself, "Good afternoon, sir." Said the Manager politely.

 Rocky looked at him furiously and said, "Do you call this a top-star hotel with all pests roaming around, my daughter cried just because of your carelessness." 

Reena tried to control Rocky, "Rocky, please calm down Reya fears lizards and it is natural. Do not scold him."

 "No, Shona my baby cried just because of these people, I am going to call the cops." Said Rocky in a furious tone.

 "Sir, please I am very sorry for this mishap and I'll clear it immediately." Said the manager.

 Soon the manager called two support staff and they managed to catch the lizard. 

All his time Reya was in Rocky's arms and with her face buried in the crook of his neck.

 He rubbed her back making her feel better. 

Reena shook her head seeing the fuss made by Rocky for a simple issue. 

Once the lizard was taken away, the manager came back and said, "Mr. Bariya and Ms. Bariya we are very sorry, kindly forgive me and my team."

 Reya's mood was off and she still stayed in Rocky's embrace. 

Rocky's mood was the same as Reya's and he just nodded at the manager. 

Reena took a step and said, "Thanks, Mr. Manager. Good day." She looked at Roeya and shook her head. 

Richard decided to lighten the situation, he took out his mouth organ and began playing a song.

 His wife took out her phone and opened the violin app and began playing that song.

 Another person started to drum the table tennis table. 

Reya's mood lightened up and she began smiling and clapping. 

Reena asked the support staff for a guitar and he borrowed one from the band The Hotel she gave it to Rocky and he began to strum, Reya started laughing and clapping. 

She enjoyed the music and as it ended, she hugged Rocky's legs.

 He lifted her and kissed her deeply o her cheek. 

After that, they went to play some water sports. 

Roeena made Reya wear the life jacket and goggles and made her sit between them as Rocky rode the hydro bike. 

They did Kayaking and finally, they went snorkeling by holding Reya between them. 

Reya loved seeing the fish so nearby. 

They came out of water during the sunset, they stood on the beach witnessing the beautiful sunset. 

Reya was exhausted with excitement and Roeena took her to their room dried her and made her wear warm clothes as she was soaked through her skin.

 Reena made her drink warm water and covered her with a thick baby hood and Rocky cocooned her in his arms making her warm.

Reya was fed dinner as she was in Rocky's arms. 

She ate everything fed to her without fussing much as she was tired and she whimpered a bit as her stomach hurt as she laughed too much. 

Rocky was worried as his doll was a bit cranky and almost in tears, but Reena assured him that it was normal and tried to calm him.

 Everyone went to bed early as they were tired of all the water games.

 Rocky patted Reya as she drowsed in his arms, he held his girls in an embrace and made them sleep on his chest. 

Reena was drawing circles on his chest and Rocky was caressing her hair. "Thanks, Rocky I enjoyed it after a long time." Said Reena.

 Rocky pecked her forehead and said, "Shona, I messaged Shakthi to tell uncle about you and he replied that uncle almost kissed Shakthi in happiness." 

Reena smiled as she thought about her father. "Even I miss Papa a lot, we must meet him soon." Said Reena.

 "Yes, resign your job here and come back to your hotel in Bangalore, lets's invite Shakthi and Uncle to Bangalore and let Reya spend time with them, and while we plan for a baby brother for Reya." Said Rocky with a wink.

 Reena slapped his chest and said, "Shut up Rocky, Reya will hear." 

"She is sleeping soundly." Said Rocky patting Reya's head. "She laughed and played a lot today." Said Reena touching Reya's cheeks.

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