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Surprise guys!

Days rolled on and Reena was in the sixth month of her Pregnancy.

 And Rocky had to go to Delhi for an important meeting. 

Ram could not attend that meeting because he was stuck in another meeting. 

Rocky did not want to leave his girls alone.

 So, he was sitting on the bed with his half-packed suitcase. 

Reena came out of the washroom, she sat next to Rocky and put an arm around him. 

"Where are you lost my Raja?" asked Reena.

 Rocky realized Reena was near him and kissed the hand which was encircling his neck.

 "Baby, I don't want to leave you both alone and go to Delhi." Whined Rocky as he rested his head on her shoulder. 

"Rocky, it is just one day conference, nah. You will return the day after tomorrow." Reasoned out, Reena.

 "You are in your sixth month and I don't want to leave you alone even for a minute." Said Rocky resting his head on her baby bump without putting his entire weight. 

Reena caressed his hair and said, "I am not a baby, Rocky. I am handling two babies every day and I will manage."

 "Last time, I left you alone and went for some work in Delhi and I got you again after four years." Said Rocky in a crying tone. 

Reena closed her eyes as she remembered the horrible past. 

Rocky got up and cupped her face and rested his forehead on hers and whispered against her lips, "I am sorry, Shona. I should have taken you with me the last time." 

Reena sighed and pecked his lips and said, "There is no way we can change the past, let's concentrate on our future." 

Rocky placed a kiss on the baby bump and they felt a slight kick.

 "Oh!" said Rocky surprised. 

"Rocky, the baby just kicked." Said Reena equally excited. 

"Yes, baby take care of Mumma when Papa is gone, okay? Do not stress her or make things difficult for her. Take rest inside her and let her rest." Said Rocky to the baby. 

A reminder popped on his smart watch and Rocky checked it.

 "Oh, Shona you have a checkup tomorrow! And I am leaving for Delhi and Papa is also busy." Said Rocky worriedly. 

"Rocky, it's okay I will go with Reya in the evening after she comes from school." Said Reena.

 "Okay, but I will miss the sonography time too." Said Rocky in a sad tone. 

"Oh, I'll ask the doctor to save the sonography in a pen drive and you can watch it when you are back." Said Reena.

 "Mmmm," said Rocky as he rested his head on her lap and Reena ran her fingers through his hair. 

"Keep your phone near you all the time, I'll video call you whenever I am free." Said Rocky hugging Reena's baby bump.

 "Okay." Said Reena as she patted his chest.

That night, Reena and Reya went to the airport to drop off Rocky. 

Rocky had Reya in his arms until it was time for his departure, "Princess, do not stress Mumma, take care of her. Don't be stubborn or throw tantrums, okay?" said Rocky in a worried tone.

 "Okay Papa, we are going to see the baby tomorrow." Said Reya.

 "Yes, I know baby. Be with Mumma all the time and make sure she eats healthy." Said Rocky kissing Reya's head. 

"Okay, Papa." Said Reya hugging Rocky. 

Reena was looking at the father and daughter having some emotional time.

 He took Reena in his arms and hugged her tight and kissed her forehead.

 He placed his hand on her bump and caressed it gently.

 "Take care, Shona, I will return as soon as possible." Said Rocky. 

They heard an announcement and Rocky left unwillingly and Reena and Reya returned home. 

After changing, Reena sat on the bed and looked at the other side, she started to miss him already.

 The door opened and Reya walked in with Fluffy in her arms.

 "Mumma, I and Fluffy will sleep with you." Said Reya climbing on the bed.

 Reena adjusted the cushions for them and settled on the bed. 

And began caressing Reya's hair, they slowly drifted into a slumber.

The next morning, Reena woke up and found Reya and Fluffy missing, she checked the time it was past seven and she wore her maternity robe over her nightgown, took her phone, and came down to see Reya munching her breakfast. 

Reena relaxed, sat on the chair, and asked, "Why didn't you wake me up, baby?" Reya moved a glass of juice near Reena and said, "Papa video called and woke me up, you were in a deep sleep, so he told me not to wake you up and disturb you, so I got dressed by myself." Answered Reya. 

Reena smiled and as Reya finished her breakfast, she kissed her goodbye and went to freshen up.

 She sat for breakfast and opened her message box, it was filled with messages from Rocky, she was reading them until the house help served her food.

Post-breakfast Reena strolled in the garden, she walked on the grass barefoot, with her phone in her hand, her phone rang and the video call got connected, it was Rocky. 

"Shona baby, did you eat breakfast? Did you finish your entire food? did you drink juice? and about tablets, I bought the one which was about to get over, and did you go for walking?" Rocky rained his questions making Reena sigh.

 "Yes, Yes Rocky, I had my food, juice, and tablets. Now I am strolling in the garden, walking on the grass with no slippers." Said Reena showing around her. 

"Baby, wear your footwear, what if you get hurt?" asked Rocky quite concerned.

 "Mm, anyway I am almost done I must go in for my mid-morning salad." Said Reena.

 "Mm, I am missing you, our baby and princess." Said Rocky in a sad tone.

 "You have booked a late-night flight nah, you will be here by early morning." Said Reena in a consoling tone. 

They kept looking at each other for some time, no words were exchanged, but their eyes held the love they had for each other, someone called Rocky and he blew a kiss to Reena and cut the call reluctantly.

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