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Hi guys, a surprise update today I hope you have a happy weekend

And Eid Mubarak, I hope you all enjoyed the Biriyani sent by your Muslim brothers and sisters.


The next morning, Reena opened her eyes and saw her Rocky sleeping like a baby sucking her nipple.

 She caressed his hair and placed a kiss on his forehead. She slowly removed his strong arms that were hugging her waist and gently removed his mouth from her boob.

 She slowly walked to the bathroom and had a warm shower.

 She got dressed up and came out wiping her hair with a towel, she shook her wet hair making the water droplets from her hair fall on Rocky's face. 

Rocky groaned as he buried his face further into the pillow. "Rocky get up." Whispered Reena into his ear and kissed his earlobes.

 "Baby, you didn't let me sleep last night and now also not letting me sleep." Mumbled Rocky as he rubbed his eyes sleepily. 

"What?!, I did not let you sleep. You only did not let me close my eyes." Complained Reena as she took her hair dryer out.

 Rocky sat and admired his love getting ready. Reena caught him staring at her through the dressing table mirror and threw a hairbrush at him. 

"Go and get ready." She said. Post-breakfast, the ship anchored in a city, Roeena enjoyed their outing they roamed all over the place and had good food, did the shopping, and clicked lots of pictures.

In India,

Priya was having tea with Mrs. Luthra at Taj. "I was quite surprised when Rohan told me you looked like Reya's sister, but now I am seeing it with my own eyes. You certainly look very young." Said, Malavika.

 Priya smiled as she sipped her green tea. "Rohan is such a well-mannered boy." Said, Priya. "Well, he is." Said Malavika picking up her chocolate croissant. "I want the wedding to happen as soon as possible, as I and Abhishek have plans of going on a world tour.

 So, I want to make sure Rohan's life is settled." Continued Malavika cutting her croissant. "I see, but Ram feels Reya is a bit young for marriage." Said, Priya. "Oh Priya, at Reya's age we were already married." Said, Malavika. 

"Even I said the same to Ram." Said, Priya. "We must ask our kids, if they are okay, we'll proceed with the wedding. Because they are going to share a life." Said Malavika patting Priya's hand. Priya nodded in agreement.

That evening,

Priya came to Ram, "Ram, I met Rohan's mom today and she wants the wedding to happen soon." Said Priya settling next to him.

 "But Priya..." started Ram but he was cut off by Priya. "Let's ask Reya, if she is okay with this then we are proceeding with this and the Luthras are planning a world tour so they want their son to get married before they take off." Said, Priya. 

"Why are you so stubborn?" asked Ram. "You behaved like this during Raja's marriage." Said, Priya. "Priya, Raja, and Reena's love was mature they knew exactly what they were doing, but Reya just started dating and within weeks you are talking about marriage." Said Ram. 

"When I got married to you, I was only eighteen and I saw you at our wedding in the mandap," argued Priya. "Priya, think about the generation gap, things are not like what we used to be, we have to know about Rohan more before we completely trust him with our daughter." Said Ram.

 "Rajendra Desai and Reena researched my son and trapped him." Spat Priya. "Priya, Reena Beti's issue is different from this issue stop meddling like this." Said Ram.

 Reya walked in as Ram and Priya were arguing, "Reya, are you sure of the relationship with Rohan?" asked Priya. 

Reya looked at her parents perplexed and nodded slightly. Priya smiled victoriously and said, "See, Reya is okay with this marriage." Ram opened his mouth trying to say something but Priya cut him and said, "I am Reya's mother and I am going to proceed with this wedding."

 And walked away taking Reya by her hand leaving Ram speechless. In no time Priya met the pandit and got dates for the wedding. Reya was on cloud nine as she was getting her way at the same time she was a bit worried that her father was a bit hesitant about her wedding. On the other hand, Priya started shopping for the wedding.

Days passed and Roeena returned to India after their honeymoon, Reya picked up the couple from the airport. Reena jumped on Reya and both the friends hugged, Rocky looked at them with a smile. 

As they settled in the car, Reya took the wheel, and Reena sat beside her, leaving Rocky in the backseat. "So, guys, do you have any good news for me?" asked Reya in a teasing tone. "What good news?" asked Reena confused making Rocky close his eyes in shyness. "I know my brother is no saint." Said Reya glancing at Rocky through the rear-view mirror.

 "Reya concentrate on driving." Said Reena finally understanding the meaning behind Reya's words. "But I have good news for you both." Said Reya with a huge smile. "What?" asked Rocky. "I am getting married to Rohan." Said Reya in a single go making Rocky shocked. "Rey, I am happy for you." Squealed Reena hugging her slightly. Rocky was still lost in thoughts and Reya looked at him through the rear-view mirror and asked, "Are you, not happy Rocky?". "Um nothing like that I am surprised" replied Rocky. The girls chatted non-stop and Rocky became quiet.

 They reached their home and Ram was waiting in the living room to receive the couple. Roeena took Ram's blessings and Ram hugged Rocky and patted Reena's head. "So, did you both enjoy your trip?" asked Ram.

 Before Roeena could answer Priya came there interrupting their conversation. "Ram, the jeweler just called and informed me the jewels are ready." She momentarily saw Roeena and continued to speak, "Come on Reya, let's meet the jeweler." Reya nodded and waved goodbye to Roeena and left the place with Priya.

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