Mr Steel.

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Alley helped me get ready. She picked out an outfit since our taste in clothes are practically the same and layed it on the bed.

I soon got dressed.

I wore a white top with a ripped jeans and sneakers with my hair straightened out stopping at my lower back.

Alley went down stairs to get ready in her room

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Alley went down stairs to get ready in her room.

Alley has her own room in my family home, since we basically grew up together.

I was currently busy doing my make up. I still can not believe my dad is getting me married to another man.

I heard my room door open and turned to see who it was.


'' It is time to come down stairs.'' mom said.

"I'll be right there."

'' Leah my dear'' mom said.

"Yes mom" I replied with a soft tone.

'' You know I love you and I'm not doing any of this to hurt you it hurts me to see you in pain, but you know how your father is. If there was another option I would choose it but sadly there is not any.''

'' Mom, it is okay I get it. '' I said in a soft but understandable tone.

"When you are in a mafia family you always have to put yourself on hold and put everything that's thrown your way first. You ignore your own happiness."

I get cut of by arms around my body.

I hug my mom back after she went out the door.

I walk over to the mirror and take one last look at myself before walking out the door.

Walking down the stairs hearing laughter coming from my family and two men in suits.

My fathers eyes fell on me directly when he gave me one of his '' don't fuck up'' looks.

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