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( Leah)

It has been three days since the incident with Ace in the kitchen.

And for three days I have locked myself in my room.

During those three days he would knock once or twice on the door.

I have sneaked out now and then for snacks.

The incident that happened that day unlocked a memory of that night my father had hit me for running away.

I missed my family especially Alley.

I decided I was not going to sit around and hide myself in a room all because of one incident with Ace.

I walked towards my room door and unlocked it. I then headed downstairs and opened the doors of the huge house.

I was met with two of the guards and they tried to stop me from going outside.

" Madam, boss had asked us not to let you out of the house." the one guard said.

" Your boss may have given you orders but he does not order me." I told him trying to keep my cool.

While arguing with the one guard my eyes landed on the other talking on his phone.

I'm assuming it was with Ace.

I turned my heel and headed for the garden.

While one of the guards followed behind me.

I arrived at the garden and sat on the bench nearby.

I breathed in the fresh air and the wind blew my slightly curly hair.

The sun was shinning right on me but I did not bother moving cause it felt good since I haven't been outside since I got here.

" What are you doing outside?" an irratated Ace said in his ruff, thick and cold Italian voice.

I did not bother to look in his direction.

" I wanted some fresh air." I said keeping my answer short.

" Then look out the window." he said.

" I'm not a prisoner, Ace." I replied.

" I know that but it's for your own safety so lets go inside." He said.

I snapped, looking up at his tall figure I stood up and took a few steps towards him.

" Safety." I said rolling my eyes at him.

" The only safety I need is from you. Before I got married to you I was free able to do what I wanted but now that we are married all you ever do is keep me locked up. The only answer that comes out your mouth is, it's for your safety."

"It's suffocating staying in the house all day long I want to go out and enjoy my life." I said.

Not noticing the tears that had just left my eyes.

" If it's about the ring and what happened in the kitchen three days ago I tried to apologize but you ignored me." His voice rising cause me to flinch.

I took a step back trying to calm myself down.

" It's not just about the ring." I finally managed to get something out my mouth.

He took a step forward.

" Then what is it about?" he asked his tone cold and voice raising.

My hands started shaking and I griped the side of my dress my head facing the ground.

" I heard what you said that day when you came in my room after that meeting with the mafia." I said.

I looked up facing him.

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