Car Chase ( Part1)

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" Fuck." I grunt while running a hand through my hair.

I did not mean to hurt her feelings.

The hurt in her eyes while I said all those mean things to her.

How was I supposed to tell her that what she heard me say it was all true.

I got cut off by my thoughts as Dante came in the room.

" Im sorry. I thought you left." he said.

I gave a confused look.

" Your car it drove out the main gate." he said in a serious tone.

I got up from my seat and walked towards the underground garage Dante following behind me. I saw my car was gone.

I hit the wall next to me out of frustration.

" Let's check the cameras." Dante said.

We walked towards the camera room and viewed the footage.

When I saw the person on screen panic spread through my body.

" Leah" her name rolled off my tongue.

Dante looked at me with worried eyes and I looked at him the same way.

" Fucking hell." I grunt while running back to the garage grabbing any car key that was close Dante did the same following behind me.

I sped out of the garage the wheels leaving marks behind.

I'll deal with the gate guard later.

I tried phoning her but it went straight to voice mail.

" Pick up the phone, Leah."

It went straight to voice mail again.

" Darn it." I said under my breath while hitting the staring wheel.

If something happens to her I won't forgive myself.


( Leah)

I stopped at a nearby café and ordered some coffee. Everything has been going good so far.

Once I received my order I walked out of the café and towards the car.

I soon got in and reached out for my phone.

I checked all my notifications to see ten missed calls from Ace and five from Dante.

" That was quick." I said with a chukkle.

I placed my coffee in the cup holder and turned on the car.

I drove off towards a park that was close to the café and got out.

I walked towards a bench and sat in silence.

The sound of the children laughing and having fun while the wind blew my hair.

It was nice being surrounded by nature again.

I finished my coffee while walking around the park taking in all the beautiful spots in Italy.

I stayed there for about twenty minutes before I decide it was best to go back before Ace gets to me.

I took my own time while walking back to the car.

When I got there I unlocked it and got in.

I grabbed the seat belt and wrapped it around me buckiling mysef in.

I started the car and speeded out.

I looked in the review mirror and noticed a car that followed every turn I made.

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