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( Leah)

The boys were running around the house playing as usual. It felt good to have them back. We landed late last night.

Amanda and I were sitting on the couch in the living room watching a Netflix movie.

It was currently two in the afternoon and we were all in the living room being lazy.

The was a knock by the door so I went and opened it.

I was surprised to see Ace standing in his casual clothes messy curly hair and that silver chain her always wears. He had bags under his eyes due to lack of sleep. I felt bad especially after yesterday events that took place in his house.

" What are you doing here?" I asked him.

" I'm not going to leave you again, Leah. I really do love you. You make me the happiest man alive and when you're gone I feel emty." he said with tears in his eyes. Ace is not one to express his emotions or cry. He does really love me.

I know I shouldn't be selfish but now I have to think about my son. I do still love Ace and Lucas need his father.

Ace is standing in front of me with tears in his eyes and expressing his feelings and that's all I need.

He took my hands in his and I looked into his now teary green eyes that reminds me so much of Lucas.

" I will be the man that you need me to be." he said and it melted my heart. His really trying his best.

I took a step towards him and I brang my hands up to his chest and pulled on his shirt and brang I'm in for a soft delicate kiss and it became one of lust and our toungs fought for dominance. He pulled me in by my waist as we continued our heated kiss.

I pulled away gasping for air our heads rested against each other and his arms were wrapped around my body.

" I forgive you." I whispered out for him to hear and he placed a kiss on my forehead.

I pulled away and we looked into each other's eyes and took in the moment of silence between us.

" Don't, don't hurt me again. I can't take the pain." I told him with tears in my eyes.

" I promise I won't." he said as he pulled me in for a hug.

We broke away and walked upstairs to my room and layed in each other's arms.

He ran his fingers through my hair and wrapped his arms even tighter arouds me as if he didn't want to let go. I drew small circles on his hand to calm him down.

" You are the first best thing that has ever happened to me. Lucas being the second." he said and it melted my heart to know that Lucas and I were important to him.

" I love you Ace." I said as I looked into his green eyes that looked at me full of love and compassion.

" I love you, Leah. My love. for. you is dangerously insane." he said. and it made me blush.

He smashed his lips on mine and we had a heated make out. I pulled away to catch my breath and then layed my head on his chest.

The door opened and Lucas came in and ran towards us full of excitement when he saw Ace.

" Dad, you're here." Lucas exclaimed.

Ace wrapped his arms Lucas and placed him in between us.

" I'm not leaving you or your mom ever again." he said as he looked at me with loving eyes. I smiled at him and he returned it back.

" I love you dad." Lucas said and I looked over to Ace to see a tear slipped his eye. It was his first time hearing the words 'I love you dad' from Lucas.

" I love you so much my son, your dad loves you and your mom so much." he said as he pulled me and Lucas into his chest to cuddle.

We turned on the TV and watched cartoons.

Soon Lucas fall asleep on my chest and so did Ace. During this time it felt so unreal. My small little family is finally together once again.

Seeing both my boys on my chest was one of the best view for a mother, to just see her family sleeping peacefully and safely.

It was such a tough time for me when Ace left but then Lucas came my sweet little angel and he heald his mother's heart,not long after his father returned and stole both our hearts.

Right now Ace and Lucas were my missing puzzle pieces that I so badly needed. The love i have for both boys is so unbelievable.

The love of a lover and the love of a mother is just the most important love any woman could experience.

I love my little family and will forever be thank full for my boys.


Author Note:

Hey everyone.

Sadly we have come to an end. The love story of Ace and Leah has come to an end.

This was my very first book. I would like to say thank you to everyone that supported my book.

I really appreciate each and every one of you. I do apologize for all the mistakes in the book my editor. Shout out to her.

This book is not perfect but I do hope you all enjoyed reading it.

The Don Amore is my own work that I have done from scratch. I started writing this book earlier in this year.

Please do not use my story as your own because I worked really hard on this book and it will upset me to see you just copy and paste my book.

Once again thank you all for reading my book and supporting me. Please vote, comment and share. Thank you everyone.

I hope you enjoy your day /night

Love : Tammy 💞

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