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I was fuming with rage. How could that little fuckers son be alive we burned down their Empire.

He is going to pay for taking my son hostage.

What made me even for upset was the fact Leah told me to shut up. She complety changed alot. She was even shooting men which I was surprised.

Dante and I made a plan to attack the Russian base and burn it all to the ground. But for that to work we would need an extra set of hands, so we called Antonio, Leah's brother and they were shocked when they heard about their sister then they agreed to help.

Leah was cold but I never knew how cold until I saw her shoot that man twice and then she pointed the gun towards me. I was taken aback but I let it be.

I really need to get my Leah back. I should talk to her about everything.

She was currently upstairs getting ready for a meeting with 'Mr Adams' was it? Anyway when I saw him I wanted to put a bullet into his skull when he eyed Leah up and down.

I was definitely not letting her go all alone especially when they already took Lucas and Jake.

Leah looked powerful and in a good and bad way type. When it comes to Lucas she turns protective and cold towards her enemies but soft around the people she loves. I think I hurt her to the point I lost that right.

She needs to know that I never intended on hurting her and that I still lover her since she left. My heart never stopped beating for her.

( Leah)

I finally got out of the shower and picked out an professional outfit. Today will be memorable for some people.

Amanda and I were annoyed since we didn't want to go for meetings. Things have just been hard on us these past few days.

I picked out an outfit and got dressed.

My outfit screamed professional and power

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My outfit screamed professional and power. I wore my necklace that Lucas bought me for mothers day with the outfit.

I added some purfum on and looked in the mirror for a final look and walked downstairs to see Amanda already there.

" You ready?" she asked.

" Yeah, and you?" I asked and she gave me a nod.

" Ace and Dante are tagging along. They said it for safety reasons." she said.

I gave her a nod not in the mood for any arguments since we had to leave.

The boys came out of nowhere and I started walking out of the doors towards my car.

Amanda got in the passenger seat and the boys got in the back as I got in the driver seat.

I started the car and pulled out of the driveway and speeded out of the gates.

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