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( Ace)

" Parlare"

(speak) I said to the person on the other end of the phone.

" Il suo qui."

( His here.) said the main gate guard.

" Fallo entrare."

( Let him in.) I said with a thick but also cold tone.

I hung up the call and headed to Dante room.

" His here. " I said.

" What, he was supposed to arrive in an hour time." Dante said in a sleepy yet annoyed tone.

" Yes get ready. " I said in a cold tone.

I walked out of his room and towards Leah room.

I knocked on the door.

" Come in." her angelic voice said.

I opened the door and closed it behind me.

" Hi. " she said. Her voice a bit tired and soft.

" Hey. " I replied.

" I can't talk too long I just came to tell you to stay inside your room until either Dante or I come and get you. I have a meeting with one the mafias and I don't want them talking to you. It's for your own safety." I said in a possessive voice.

" Okay I was not planning on going out anyway. " she said.

And with that I walked out of the room.

I texted one of the guards to be on the look out if anyone tries something with Leah.

I headed downstairs along with Dante.

We stood outside waiting for Mr Anders to get out of his vehicle.

" Mr Anders ." Dante said while shaking his hand.

Mr Anders headed my way and shook my hand.

" Mr Steel it's good to see you. It has been a while." he said.

" It's has." I replied my tone colder than ever.

We headed inside towards my office.

" Take a seat. " I said.

He took his seat and we started talking business.

He looked wired. He kept looking everywhere like he was looking for something or someone.

" Found what you looking for?" I said annoyed by his presence.

" Sorry I dont mean to be looking around." he said.

If I could shoot him. I would but I don't have time to make my house filthy.

" What are you really here for?" I said.

" For business." he said lying through his teeth.

" Cut the crap." I said as he looked at me with wide eyes.

" Your gonna tell me what you're really here for or else I'm gonna put a bullet in your head." I said in full confidence.

And with that Dante pulled out his gun.

" Okay." he said while raising his hands in surrender.

"Talk." I raised my voice feeling tempted to shoot him.

" Rumors are going around you got married. I came to see if that's true." he said.

I let out a chuckle.

" You came to waste my time over bullshit."

I stood up leaning over the desk.

" I have more important things to do. My business does not concern you and yes I might be married but it's only a business deal. Next time you come over to my house for crap I'll make sure you don't walk out here alive. Do you understand me fool?" I said my eyes wide open I could feel my anger about to raise.

" Loud and clear. I'm sorry Mr Steel. " he said.

" And another thing you keep my Mia amore out your fucking dirty mouth or else I will kill you in the worst ways possible. " I said.

How dare they talk about my principessa. She is mine. ( Princess)

" Get out of my house. " I said in a raging tone.

They got up and left.

" Dante we should keep an eye out. This could lead to something bad. " I said.

" Sure. " he said.

He then left and I walked up to Leah room.

I sent the guard away for a few minutes.

I turned the door nob and entered the room. The sound of the TV playing and a sleeping Leah laying on the bed.


I woke up to feeling a presence behind me.

Before I could turn around the figure took a few steps towards me.

" Mia more I know you can not hear me but I wanted you to know that you are free to come put of your room. If only you knew your presence does things to my body no other female can do." He said.

I felt my body go stiff at his words my heart started beating faster.

I heard him take a few more steps towards me. I closed my eyes as fast as possible.

He took a seat infront of me and started drawing circle patterns on my palm. It felt soothing.

" You are the most precious and gorgeous person that I have ever came across." he said in a soft tone.

I wonder how many woman he has said that to.

" I don't intend on making you feel out of place or even hurting your feelings. If only you could look past my arrogance and attitude. I only do it to protect you. " He said while pushing a strand of hair being my ear.

His words touches deep within my heart but I don't want to get hurt.

" I know it hasn't been that long since we met and it has not been that long since you walked down the aisle but these are memories I hold close." he said. My heart felt warm and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

If his heart is made of stone mine is made of glass easy to break but not easy to fix.

I've seen how some people become heartbroken and how some end up healing their own hearts.

He then got up.

" I might be a man to break hearts but yours I'll hold like a rose and build a brick wall around to protect from bad people.

I felt him lean in and I could smell his Cologne and his silver chain against my neck.

He pressed his lips against my forehead.

I could feel my face heat up and my stomach fill with even more butterflies.

He removed his lips from my forehead and for some reason I wanted his lips on my own.

He covered my body with the blankets and turned the TV off and with that he headed out the door.

I sat up from the bed and my mind was covered with questions.

My face was still pink from blushing I buried my face in my hands and started thinking about Ace and blushed even more.

Is this what it is like to have feeling for someone or is it just in my head.

I got out of bed and walked towards the dresser and took out one of my books and started reading.

I needed to get things off of my mind so I decided reading was the best opition after that I headed downstairs for a snack and back to my room to watch some TV.


A/ N :

I hope this was a good chapter.

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