Bridel Shower

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I turned my body over only to feel an emty space. I opened my eyes and Alley was nowhere to be found.

I looked over to my dresser and saw a little note.

" Good morning sleepy head. I hope you slept well. Your wedding dress arrived I decided to hang it in your walk in closet. I have a surprise for you so get ready and message me when you are done and I'll come and get you. Love Alley."

She is so sweet. I wonder what she is planning.

i got out of bed and went straight to the walk in closest and layed out an outfit.

I then headed towards the bathroom and hopped in the shower.

Once I was done I brushed my teeth and got ready.

I cleaned my room and texted Alley that I was done

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I cleaned my room and texted Alley that I was done.

Alley arrived 10 minutes later and blindfolded me.

We headed out of the room and I told her to lock the door to which she did without any questions.

" If you let me fall down this stairs I will end you but also love you for doing it." I told her in a sarcastic tone.

She chuckled.

" Relax I won't let you fall." she said.

" Where are we going?" I questioned her.

I could feel the cool breeze against my skin.

We are most likely to be outside.

" We are here take off your blindfold. " she said.

I took it off and was shocked by the sight infront of my.

" Suprise!" Everyone shouted my mom, Alley, Aunt, Hailey and Bailey my twin cousins.

" Do you like it?" Alley asked.

" I love it" I said.

She planned me a bridal shower.

Everyone came up to me and hugged me

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Everyone came up to me and hugged me.

This is so sweet of them I did not think they would plan this since it is an arranged marriage.

We all sat down and started talking and drinking champagne.

My mom got up and made a speech shortly after Alley did the same.

I might not like this arrange marriage but it has its perks to it.

The food arrived and we started eating.

We sat in silence for a while when Hailey got up.

" What is a party without any music." Hailey said and started blasting Tylor Swift music.

Everyone got up and started dancing.

Bailey came up to me and walked me over to the dance floor to which I started dancing to.

It was a bit chilly since they kept the event in the back yard.

Alley came over to me with two glasses of champagne she handed me one and we talked for a bit.

" It's a wonder the boys are not here" I asked her.

" I gave them a warning that if the came they would have to give me one hundred bucks." she said.

I let out a chuckle.

" You really think that would stop them." I said sarcastically.

My words were not even cold yet when the lights of the event all went out.

It was all dark I could not see or hear anything.

I felt a arm grab me by my wrist.

The lights all went on afterwards.

I saw the person standing next to me and it was non other than Antonio and next to him was Allen.

They looked at me and said " Suprise"

I rolled my eyes at them.

Xavier ran towards us.

" Its ready." Xavier said.

" What is ready?"

" You'll see." Allen said as he nodded at someone I turned to see to who and it was Alex.

They pulled me back to where everyone was and they started pulling out water guns.

They started spraying us wet while we ran around trying to seek shelter.

I managed to get one water gun and sprayed the boys with it.

The rest of the girls came with buckets of water and threw them wet.

This continued for about an hour.

Mom and aunt came back out side with a cake and each of us got a piece.

Once that was done I thanked all of them for the day and asked Alley for my room key and I headed back upstairs.

I took a shower and changed into my pajamas.

I decided to pack the last bit of clothes away.

I was currently in bed reading the last chapter of my book.

The day came to an end. I decided to go downstairs and make me a meal.

Once I was done making the meal I headed up stairs and locked the door behind me.

I have not seen my father ever since that night it's probably for the best.

I have not bothered to look at the wedding dress yet. When the dress had arrived the ring for Ace had came a few hours later.

I finished packing all of my clothes and everything else that I might need too.

The movers would be coming first thing in the morning to collect my things and move it to wherever Ace lives.

I have been thinking alot about this wedding. I have prepared myself physically and mentally.

How do you just leave you family and friends behind and just move on without them.

This wedding is going to be the biggest mistake I ever made.

I hate the fact that my dad overpowers me. He is literally the reason why I use to see a therapist.

His words may have broken me and his actions may have hurt me but I don't think I can forgive him atleast not anytime soon.

A father should love all their children equally and not hurt them physically and mentally. I always wanted to be my father's princess but now I feel like he he the evil step father in the horror movie.

My life is complicated but there are others that suffer way more than me.

My heart is full of love for my family and friends. My eyes can hold alot of tears even my smile can hide lots of sadness.

But I will won't show others my sorrows.

Author Note:

I hope this chapter way okay. I am trying my very best to write better chapter.

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