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I woke up to my body hurting everywhere I sat up looking at my room when reality hits of what happened.

I tried standing up but my legs gave in.

I evenly gathered the strength to stand up I took a look at the room when I saw blood on the floor and on me I walked into the bathroom and started to undress I looked at my body in the mirror to see wounds everywhere.

I turned around a peeked over to look at my back and saw the dark marks on my back tears stung my eyes.

Not because of the wounds but because of my father's words.

I got in the shower and let the cater run on my body it burned like hell.

Watching the water wash the  blood off my body.

Is this how Pain feels like.

TO have no energy in your body, No tears left to cry.
Feel like the world is playing with your head.
TO feel alone like you have nobody.
No Freedom.

I started to feel numb.

I soon got out of the shower and got dressed.

I threw on a grey tracksuit pants and black jacket.

I decided to clean the blood off the floor

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I decided to clean the blood off the floor.

I made up my bed and started reading a book.

A knock on the door cuts me off.

" Who is it?" I asked

" It's Maddy madam."

Maddy is one of our oldest maids.

" What do you need?"

" I have your food madam."

" I'm not hungry."

" Okay madam."

I could hear her foot steps disappear.

I carried on reading my book.

I eventually felt sleeping and drifted off to sleep.

( Ace)

I stood infront of Fanando house. He decided to call a meeting.

Dante and I walked into the house and straight towards his office.

" Good morning Mr Steel." Fanando said.

I rolled my eyes at his irritating voice.

" morning" I replied annoyed.

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