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I felt my blood boil as my body was fuming with anger. I sat in one of the plane seats all by myself and thought about everything.

When I saw Leah downstairs I was in shock. I could not get a single word out of my mouth as I eyed her up and down. She had changed not only her personality but her appearance too.

Her once black hair was now blond high lights, her waist was even curvy than before even her ass and breast got bigger.

When told me that we have a five year old son together I was in state of shock. Why did she keep it from me. I missed out on everything, most importantly why was Dante aware of everything and I was not. He knew we had been looking for her but he stayed quiet.

Dante showed me a picture of my son and he was handsome. He had my green eyes and Leah's nose. He looked really sweet. I can't believe I have a son.

I turned my head and saw Leah sitting alone. I got up and walked towards her, taking a seat next to her.

" Why didn't you tell me I had a son." I asked her trying to maintain my cool.

She turned her head facing me and looking me directly in the eyes.

" You cheated on me, what made you think I would let my baby live with someone who can't even commit to one person what would make him commit to two." she said her voice calm and clear. I missed her voice. She was wrong to think that I would not be there for my son.

" first, His my son aswell. Second, you don't have a right to decide for me. I am his father and you know that so I have an equal right to have a say on him." I spat back with my voice annoyed and my anger starting to rise.

" His not some toy that you can claim. He is a human being and unless you show up like the father you claim to be then maybe just maybe you can be let into my little boy's heart. But for now you are not going to break it like you broke mine." she glared before getting up and making her way towards one of the rooms on the plane.

I sat there as my temper was raising at each passing minute.


We arrived at our house and walked inside. The staff greeted me with respect and also pity which I found annoying.

"Madam, Mr Adams had called a few times asking for the documents of the designs." she said while looking behind me at the men behind Amanda and I.

" Did I hire you to do your job or to memorize our guests?" I glared at her.

" Sorry, madam please forgive me." she begged as I gave her a look of disappointment.

" Tell Mr Adams, I'll send him the documents over when I can. I'm really busy and can't talk right now." I told her in my cold and serious voice.

I showed the boys Maria's room and they started searching the room. I walked upstairs towards Lucas and Jake's room.

When I opened the door I was welcomed with the emotions. I felt myself give in as I walked towards Lucas bed and sat on it.

His bed smelt just like him which made me cry even more. I took his favorite teddy bear and held it into my arms while crying more. It has been three days since they had gone missing and I felt myself slipping away each and everyday when he was not here.

Why did they have to take our sweet babies. They came pure into this world why did they have to get involved with their parents mistakes.

I felt myself go numb as I cried even more. My heart ached so bad for my son. He is my rock and my world without him I am nothing. He stood by me when I was alone. He heald a part of me that I thought was broken forever.

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