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A/N : The following contains violence and curse words.


I was walking down the dark tunnel that lead towards the wear house.

Everyone whom I had passed, had not dared to look me in the eyes.

When I got to my destination a smirk appeared on my face. Pulling a chair towards the coward infront of me placing it right infront of me.

" Please spare me, M- Mr Steel." he begged.

I took out the a pocket knife and pointed it below his jaw dragging it all the way around his face.

" I like it when people beg." I spit out.

" P-please Mr Steel. I have a wife and two children don't do this." He said with fake tears in his eyes.

" It would be ashame if something happend to them." I glared while my eyes growing a dark shade of green. I took my gun out and pointed it towards his shoulder shooting him." I think your wife would appreciate having a dead man that a cheater." I said while sending him a punch to the jaw.

" I w-would never c-cheat on my wif-" he was cut off with another shot but this time aiming at his cock.

His screams filled the halls and it send amusement to my face.

" Why did you export my shipments to other countries. That shit was worth millions." I glared at him and shot him in the leg his cries echoing through the halls.

" It wasn't me, boss." he cried out.

" Wrong answer." and with that I send a knife towards his stomach.

" I'm sorry, boss. I won't do it again." he pleaded for forgiveness.

" There's no room for mercy in this mafia." and with that I pointed the gun towards him and took my shot hitting him in the head.

His lifeless body dropped down to the floor laying in his own pool of blood.

I walked toward one of my men and telling his to get rid of the body.

I then walked in the direction of Dante office.

I knocked on the door hearing a come in and I walked inside.

I took a seat infront of his desk and we talked for a while and after we had to get ready for a meeting.

(two hours later)

I sat in my office looking toward Dante now and then feeling my anger rise higher and higher.

I call Dante to pull him in closer. He leans towards me and I whisper in his ear.

" You wanted this ball so you do the plannings." I said feeling frustrated.

I turned to walk away but Dante stopped me and told me that I needed to pitch in.

" Dude, don't put your shit on me I ain't the married Don here." he said with a smirk on his face.

" I'll punch that smirk off your stupid ass face." I grunt at him.

We walked back to the destination we plan on keeping the ball. The only reason we are here is because they need to discuss everything.

I hated balls and I normally never show up to it but it's to show off my empire.

Dante started taking over as I headed back home.

The drive was silent but peaceful the sound of the car engine roaring on the road felt good.

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