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I had woken up to an empty bed with no sign of Ace. He has been distant lately but I hadn't taken it seriously.

A knock on the door brang me out of my thought as I let out a long groan while getting out of bed and walking towards the door.

I opened the door and saw one of the maids she looked quiet new since I had not seen her here before.

"Good morning, madam." she spoke. She had red hair that was put into a bun with beautiful ocean blue eyes.

" Good morning." I spoke in a tired voice.

"Boss had asked madam to come to his office and told me to inform you that you should hurry." she said her voice came out as a whisper but I could still make out what she had said.

" Okay I'll be there in a few minutes." I replied. She nod her head and I closed the door as she walked off.

I was in a good mood today for some reason. I hope it stays like this, no stress and no negativity just positive energy.

I quickly took a shower and cleaned myself up while doing a skin care routine. I was planning on going out with Alley today but Dante decided to take her on a vacation last minute but it was okay seeing my best friend happy made me happy and that was all I needed.

I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth and putting on some light makeup. I walked out and picked out an outfit and got dressed. I put my hair up in a pony tail and took a look at myself in the mirror. Once I was ready I made my way to Ace's office.

I didn't bother knocking on the office door and just walked inside.

" Hellloo-" I cut myself off as I saw a scene infront of me the broke my heart in so many pieces. It felt as if I could no longer breath. My hand slipped off the door handle as I started at the love of my life in shocked.

I looked at Ace as he starred into my eyes with a smirk on his face. I was shocked to walk in on Ace making out with another girl. I could not see her face properly since she faced him while sitting on his desk and he towered over her while she let out small giggles.

I felt numb as I stood there looking at him. My eyes starting to water but I looked down whipping away the tears the escaped my teary eyes. I could not manage to get a word out of my mouth all i could do was stand there in shock.

" Suprised, Amore?" he asked in a sarcastic tone and gave me one of his evil devil smirks.

" W-why?" I asked my voice coming out as a whisper as the tears rolled down my cheeks.

The girl turned around and seeing her face shocked me even more, but mostly broke me.

It was the same girl that I had fought with a couple nights back at the ice-cream place.


Leah stood there with tears in her eyes and she looked broken. I wish I could take away all her pain even if I'm the one causing it. I never ment to hurt her if only she knew that people are after her life and sending new treat messages everyday. I am only doing this to protect her even if it means cheating on her with a stupid bitch she beat the hell out of a few nights ago.

She doesn't deserve to shed tears because of me. Her tears are as pure as her heart and even though she trusted me with it I still went and broke it. She may never forgive me for what I had done but they always say if you truly love someone you should let them go but why was it so hard. It's like she's a magnet and I'm attracted to her the closer I get.

Then this bitch had to turn around and Leah looked even more broken when she saw the girl.

" Hey, Leah was it? Anyway I hope you don't mind that I was having some fun time with your husband. I never knew he was such a good kisser." The girl said with adding fuel to the fire.

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