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I've locked myself inside my room for about five days. I did not have the energy to face anybody.

I knew I was drained physically and mentally.

All i did in those five days was read and sleep I would take lunch breaks now and then.

Ace would send one of the maids to give me my medication and to check up on me.

In those five days I've been thinking alot about what Caleb had done at the parking lot. When he gave me money to buy snacks.

Trust me it's not that I was being ungrateful or anything but I can afford to buy my own things.

It might all be high quality name brands but just enough to make me comfortable.

Back home my dad would not always offer me things so I had to pick up a job so I know how it feels to be independent.

I eventually had to let that go when my dad found out about it.

So here I am watching a Netflix show called " Teen Wolf."

It's one of my favorite shows so I thought about rewatching it.

There was a knock at the door so I got up and opened it.

Standing infront of me was a middle aged maid probably in her early thirty's.

" Hello madam, boss said you should get ready and meet him downstairs in an hour."

" Please tell him I do not feel well so I think it's best I stay home." I said making up a lie because I was still not sure about leaving the house right now ever since what happened seven days ago.

I know that I felt trapped in this house but maybe it's also for the best.

" Madam, but boss said that you should come."

" I know but just tell him what I told you, please."

She gave a small nod and walked away back downstairs.

I closed the door and got back in bed and cuddled with my pillows.

I was about to drift off to sleep when my room door flew open and closed again.

" I told you to get ready."

" I'm not feeling well." I said with a fake cough hoping he would buy it.

" For someone your age you really are a bad actor." he said while pulling the blanket off of my body.

" No, let me be." I said while digging my face in the pillow.

I felt one arm crape under both my legs and another around my waist. He lifted me up and threw me over his shoulders.

A gasp escapedy mouth.

" What are you doing? Put me down." I pleaded with him.

He carried me into the bathroom and placed me on the cabinet.

" If you won't get yourself ready I'll do it myself."

My eye's went wide at the words that left his mouth. My heart started pounding faster.

" No, no I'll get ready wait outside."

I told him and he started walking out.

I got in and took a quick shower.

I wrapped the towel around my body and walked towards the other door in the bathroom that lead to my walk in closet and choose an outfit.

I walked out of the walk in closet and bathroom and finally came out to my room to which I saw him sitting on the edge of my bed

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I walked out of the walk in closet and bathroom and finally came out to my room to which I saw him sitting on the edge of my bed.

When he saw me his eyes traveled all over my body.

I walked over towards the desk infront of my bed that had my jewelry in it. I took out my chain that had the infinity sign on it as well as my bracelet.

I added my bracelet on but the necklace was real work I could not connect it in at the back.

I soon felt his presence behind me as he took the brace out of my hands.
I could feel him breath into my neck causing my breathing to slow down. His cold rings on his hand tounched against my neck sending shivers down my spine.

His bottom lip brushed lightly against ear making me lightly bite on my bottom lip.

" I'm done." he whispered in my ear.

I turned around to face him.

"Thank you." I said while playing with my necklace.

He noticed something which caused him to change his face expression.

He took my left hand and used his other to search for something in his pocket when he pulled it out and I was shocked a bit.

He pulled out my wedding ring and and placed it on my finger.

" I don't want to be the only one to wear something that is made for two people to wear as a symbol of love and marriage." he said while looking me in the eyes as I did the same.

" I want everyone outside to know that you belong to me principessa."(princess)

" And I will be wearing my ring to show that I belong to you."

He said as he showed me the ring on his finger. I gave him a soft smile. I knew he was going to eventually say something that would break me.

I added some perfume onto my body.

" I need to clean the room first before we leave."

" Leave it I'll send someone up to do it." he said.

We walked outside as I took in a deep breath of fresh air and exhaled.

He opened the passenger door and I got in and he got in his side of the door.

We sped out of the gates. The drive was silent.

While on the car drive I started thinking about what happened when I left the house a few days ago.

The car chase, me being kidnapped my thoughts was all in my head.

I started playing with my fingers the thoughts got to me.

I didn't even noticed that I began to dig my nails in my thigh.

I felt a hand push away mine and replaced it with there's.

I looked over at Ace but he just kept his eyes on the road. I looked back at his hand that was placed on my thigh. His vains showed as his went up and down where I had dugy nails in.

He looked kind of hot in his all black tuck suit with his rings and his silver necklace which I noticed he loved to wear alot.

We came to a stop and I turned around and saw an arcade.

I wonder what we're about to do

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I wonder what we're about to do.


Author Note :

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