Virgin no more

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( Leah)

I sat in the garden looking at the beautiful flowers infront of me.

I was in a daze, thinking about everything that has happened and I started thinking about Ace.

Each time he crosses my mind I get butterflies in my stomach and a smile makes it's way onto my face. I don't know what was wrong with me. Could it be that - no, no it can't be.

Am I falling in love with Ace?

My heart started beating even faster in my chest and I bit my lower lip pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

Then I suddenly thought about the day I first saw Ace. The strong dislike he had felt towards me was so obvious, each time we crossed path's we would snap at each other. But since I moved in with him he slowly started opening up and being kind towards me.

I got up from my seat and walked towards the doors of the house and one of the guards opened the door for me.

I entered and made my way up the stairs. I would go to Alley but she went on a date with Dante. Yeah, you heard correctly. A date.

Ace and I were home alone  today as he gave the maids and chefs another day off. I guess he was not in the mood to see  anybody.

I made my way towards his room and walked inside while locking the door behind me.

He sat on the bed scrolling on his phone. I walked towards him and stood right infront of him. He looked up from his phone.

Ace pulled me and placed me on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed my legs on each side of torso.

( mature scenes ahead )

He started kissing my neck causing a light moan to escape my mouth.

He kissed all the way up until he reached my lips and placed a gentle kisses on them. I placed my hand on his cheek as we deepened our kiss.

I bit his lower lip asking for entrance and he allowed me. I slipped my tongue in his mouth as our tongues fought for dominance, his won and he explored every inch of my mouth.

He got up holding me in his arms. He placed me on my feet and I looked him in the eyes.

His green eyes looked deeply into my grey ones. Lots of emotions swirled around his eyes but desire and lust were the most prominent. But there was something else, something I couldn't decipher. He smashed his lips back onto mine and I moaned into his mouth causing him to groan.

He pulled up my shirt leaving me in my black laced bra. I stood on my tippy toes taking his shirt off aswell.

I got a full view of his tattoos that covered his arms and a few on his chest that lead up to his neck.

He took a step towards me and lifted me up from the floor. I wrapped my legs around his torso and rested my hands on his shoulders.

He pushed me against the wall  as he smashed his lips on mine, he placed a trail of feather like kisses down my neck and started sucking on certain spots on my neck. He was definitely leaving hickeys. That's gonna be a bitch to cover up but at this moment I couldn't care less.

He walked us over to the bed and gently layed me down.

I looked him in the eyes and he stared back into mine. He slowly trailed his eyes down my body and looked back up at me. I felt as though he was undressing me with his eyes even if i was already half naked.

I nod my head at him knowing what he wanted to do so I let him.

" Are you sure?" he asked

" Yes." I stated.

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