Mr No Fun

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" No." I said. My tone thick and cold.

" But think about it. If we introduce Leah at our annual mafia ball there could be a good possibility of the other mafias keeping their nose out of our business." Dante said.

" There could also be a possibility of them harming her and another reason is we are not in alliance with some of the mafias."

" I don't want Leah involved with these types of things." I replied my voice risings due to the annoyance.

" Which makes it even better to have conversations with different parties and make alliance." He said.

" It's a good idea but what makes you think they would want to make an alliance. You have to be smarter than your enemy."

" Think about it they would be way to curious to meet the Donna of the Italian Mafia right so-"

I cut Dante off to clear something with him.

" Just to clarify something real quick she might be the Donna cause she is married to the Don of the Italian mafia but her title only exist when I say so. Like I said before she stays out of the mafia business." I said my tone cold and thick.

I stood up and headed towards the door.

" Ace. " Dante said his tone cold and ruff.

I stopped and turned around to face him.

" Think about it atleast." he said.

I gave a simple nod and walked out of my office.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
( Leah)

I sat in the living room watching some TV.

I decided to wake me a snack and took out all the ingredients to make some waffles.

I could not find waffle maker and decided to ask one of the cooks for help.

She came back five minutes later with the waffle maker and I started off by cleaning my hands.

The chef tried to convince me to let her make it but I insisted on doing it by myself.

I mixed all the ingredients together and added it in the waffle maker.

While that was busy getting ready I took the ice-cream out and let it get a little soft.

Once I was done making all the pancakes I dished it in separate plates and asked one of the maids to call down Ace and Dante to try them out.

I quickly washed up all the dirty dishes.

I then headed to the living room where Dante and Ace were gathered.

"Hi." Dante and Ace said in sink.

"Hey." I replied.

" Do you need anything the maid called us they said you were looking for us." Ace said in his thick Italian voice that was ruff and cold.

" Uh, yeah." I said while sliding my fingers through my long black hair.

" I was hoping if you would like to join me for waffles and ice-cream?" I asked.

" Sure." Dante replied.

" Im kinda busy right now." Ace said.

I felt kinda hurt but it's okay.

" Come on man don't be like that. Its waffles who says no to waffles?" Dante said.

" Ace just did. Mr no fun. " I replied.

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