Broken Man

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( Ace)

It had been six hole years since I had last seen Leah. In those six years I was a broken man. There was not a day that had gone by without me thinking about her.

When she left that night my heart broke into a million pieces. She had left everything behind all her jewelry, clothes and phone. I could not track her down. I tried for years but there was no use.

When she left me I was so broken that I started going back to my old self but far worse. I would ignore everyone and I had no control over my temper so everyone knew not to look me in the eyes nor cross me.

I was currently sitting in my office having a few drinking by myself as a knock interrupted me.

" Come in." I told the person on the other end of the door in my cold tone.

The door opened and in walked Braxton one of my most trusted men.

" Sorry to bother boss but we caught Raymon and he is currently in one of the cells." he said with his head facing the floor as he spoke in a frightened tone. I loved how everyone feared me. When Leah left my heart turned so cold that nobody could fix it. Only she held my heart. I love her so much but I had to let her go for her own protection.

I had to do something that would hurt Leah so that she could be too upset to talk to me but little did I know that it would hurt her so bad to the point she ran away for the past six years.

After she left I had to take my anger out of someone so I went to the place that created all the problems. My men and I went to attack the Russians and. we destroyed everything they had and we stole all their information while doing so.

" Beat him up but make sure his alive when I get there. His mine to finish." I growled out and then dismissed him from my office.

I quickly fished up my last paper work for the day then getting up from my seat and walking over towards the Alcohol cabinet and taking out a bottle while making my way towards the base.

When I reached Raymond's cell I added on my gloves and placings the alcohol on the cabinet a few feet away from me then walking back towards Raymond's unconscious body on the floor that was held down by chains.

I kneeled down to his height and slapped his awake. He quickly looked me in my eyes causing me to smirk.

I slapped him again then grabbing a hold of his jaw tightening my grip around it.

" Where is my fucking shipments that were worth five million?" I grunt out causing him to look at me in fear. My patience were running out I took one of my knifes and dragging it from his cheek all the way to his throat making him groan in pain. Then I pulled his hair causing him to grunt in pain due to the sting then I started punching him punch after punch and stabbed another knife into stomach causing tears to roll down his cheeks.

Pathetic weak idiot can't even be a man.

I took another knife and started making stabbing and making marks in his body making sure not to kill him. I saw red flash before me and I knew I was past pissed.

" What did you do with my shipments that was worth five million?" I asked again my tone getting even more colder and my eyes grew darker.

He though I would not notice a few of my shipments go missing. Does he think I'm a fool? He betrayed me and he is not getting out alive. He hadn't replied to my question and it made my blood boil.

I got up and walked over to the alcohol and took the top off. I walked back to where the fool was and threw the alcohol on his wounds causing him to grunt out in pain and making him curse a few words will he started begging for forgiveness but I wasn't having it.

" Since you don't want to talk I think I'll make a stop at your house and have a talk with your wife and kids." I said while smirking as his head shot up and his eyes met my dark ones.

" Please boss don't. I beg of you leave my family out of this. I'm sorry I stole your shipments. Things were not going to well at home so my thoughts were to take a few shipments." he said all in one breath while crying at the same time.

" Why did you not come to me and ask for help if things weren't going well? You should have have come to me I would have helped you. You've been working for me for eight years and you decided to betray me." I spat out glaring at him.

" You know what you get if you betray me." and with that I took my gun out and shot him straight in the head before he could say anything else.

I turned around and walked over to one of my men.

" Puliscilo" I said while walking pass him. ( Clean it up)

I then heard a " Si Capo" was all I heard before walking out and headed back home. ( Yes boss)

When I got home and opened the doors I saw Alley and Dante cuddling together on the sofa. They had gotten married four years ago and ever since they had been close. I turned around and walked up the stairs towards my room and taking off all the bloody clothes while putting them in a bag while giving it to one of the maids.

I got into the shower and let the warm water run down my back relaxing my tensed muscles.

After I got out of the shower I got dressed and walked over to Leah room while closing the door behind me and I made my way to her bed. I layed back on it as the pillows slightly smelled like her even after six years. I had not let anyone enter her room so everything was still very much the same.

When Leah left she took my heart with her and left a piece of hers with me but even I knew that one day if there were ever a chance that if we could meet. I wouldn't let her go I will hold her evn closer than before. I realise something in these past six years without her and that is " you never appreciate someone until you loose them." Leah will forever be my girl even if it's miles away wherever she may be.

Author Note:

Hey everyone I hope you liked this chapter it gives a little back story of why Ace did what he did.

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Enjoy you Day/Night.

Love: Tammy 💘

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