Sleeping beauty

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I layed awake on the bed with Leah on my chest. I couldn't sleep thinking about last night's events. Those fucking Russian piece of shits that shot at my event.

They just could not be decent people for one night. They tried to take Leah away from me but luckily Leo of my guards came over and told me that all the exites are being blocked we had to think fast and get Leah and her family to safety.

I looked at the time and it was eleven in the morning I would have to wake Leah up at twelve to see her family off.

Her best friend Alley was stay a month extra because Leah missed her and did not want her to go home so soon. I heard from Leah's brothers that they bought another house away from their father due to what her did to their mother and sister.

I was still upset with that piece of crap for what he did to Leah and not to mention he did it to his wife as well. He deserves to die but Leah wouldn't let me do that. It's like he despises woman even though he came from one himself.

He is an ungrateful piece of shit. We was lucky that he had a family mine was killed in war. Dante and I were the only survivors and we're raised by the mafia.

I looked over to Leah to see that she had woken up.

" Good morning, sleeping beauty." I said with a small smile on my face. I never smiled infront of anyone other that Dante but with Leah it was different it's like she was changing me.

I placed a small kiss on her forehead.

" Good morning." she mumbled in her sleep voice. She sounded so cute.

" Go get ready then come downstairs for breakfast." I told her as she nod her head.

I got up and walked out of the room towards the other bathroom to get ready.



I got out of the shower and smelled just like Ace. I used his shampoo and soap which smelt amazing.

I wore clothes that covered my bruised body. The bruises were getting lighter sure to the medicine which I am so thankful for.

I cleaned Ace's room and then I headed downstairs for breakfast

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I cleaned Ace's room and then I headed downstairs for breakfast.

I said good morning to everyone at the table. My father sat on the far end and I sat next to Alley.

Ace sat at the head of the table and Dante next to him.

Alley and I were gossiping as usual. She told me she had to tell me something but only after everyone left.

We all soon finished our breakfast and chilled around the house.

We decided to have a last minute pool day with the family here together so my family will be leaving tomorrow.

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