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( Leah)

I woke up as my eyes slowly adjusted to the light. It took me a minute or two to remember everything of yesterday's roller-coaster.

Lucas must be looking for me. I quickly got out of bed and ran downstairs.

" Lucas" I called out only to see him run out of the living room towards me.

" Mommy!" I screamed out of excitement and happiness. I picked him up and held him in my arms as tears rolled down my cheeks.

He pulled aways and looked up at me.

" Don't cry mommy." Lucas said as he whipped away my tears. I placed a kiss on his forehead and I walked us over to the living room to take a seat.

" Good morning." everyone said as they cuddled into the blankets.

" Did you eat, my love?" I asked Lucas as I ran my fingers through his soft hair.

" Yes, mommy and it was delicious." he exclaimed and I gave him a hug.

He sat on my lap and cuddled into me as I through one of the blankets over us.

" Where's Jake?" I asked curious.

" He's asleep upstairs." Amanda said and I gave her a nod.

" So Lucas any girls I should know about? " Alley asked in a joking way.

Lucas laughed and cuddled further into me.

" My mommy says I'm her baby so I belong to my mommy." he said and made everyone in the room burst out laughing.

" Lucas, do you. like the house?" Ace asked and Lucas looked towards him.

" Yes, it's nice but I like ours more." he said Ace to glare at me.

" You can live here if you like?" Ace asked and Lucas looked up at me and then turned to Amanda and back to Ace.

" Nope." he said as he got off of my lap and walked up stairs to him and Jake's room.

" Look what you did." Ace spat out in anger at me.

" I didn't do anything wrong." I defened.

" You are staying here with Dante, Alley and I. End of discussion." he growled out.

I looked at him and shakes me head no.

" No" I said and glared at him.

" What do you mean no?" he said while standing up and walking towards me. I stood up and looked directly at him.

" You heard me,No. I have a company to run and a family to provide for. I can't just put my life on hold for your stubbornness." I spat at him.

" I can provide for the both of you as well and stop leaving me out of Lucas life!" he shouted back.

" Lower you voice when you speak to me." I told him as I took a step towards him and he did the same causing Dante, Amanda and Alley to stand up.

" And what if I don't want to?" he asked sarcastically.

" You can provide for him but don't forget the money you make and I make are different. You make dirty money, as for me I make clean money." I spat out and he looked angry as everyone around us gasp.

" Fuck you!" he grunt out and I let out a smirk.

I saw Lucas running towards us and he got on the table to reach our hight.

" Don't talk to my mommy like that." Lucas said and it warmed my heart even though it's wrong that he is talking back.

" Don't talk to me like that, little boy and get off there before you get hurt." Ace raised his voice at Lucas but I could see Lucas was getting angry as his small hands turned into a fist on the sides. I held onto his hand so he wouldn't try to do anything.

" Then don't talk to my mommy like that old man!" Lucas screamed at Ace and I could see the fumes of fire in Ace's eyes.

Everyone started chuckling behind us.

" Lucas apologize and don't talk to your father like that please." I told him and his eyes shot back up to meet mine. His small green eyes that looked just like his father's. He turned to look at Ace then back at me.

" Father?" he asked confused.

I cupped my hand on his cheek causing me to let go of his hand I held onto.

" Yes Lucas. I'm your father." Ace said with a small smile on his face but it then got whipped away when Lucas punched him against the jaw.

Ace looked shock and he was about to raise his hand at Lucas but I pulled him away just in time.

" Don't you dare." I said while pointing my finger at Ace.

" He fucking punched me and talked back." He shouted.

" I will deal with him." I said out and turned to Lucas.

" Lucas, why did you punch your father?" he kept quiet as he crossed his arms and looked at his feet.

I lifted his head up to face me. "You better start talking or else I'm not going to take you for ice-cream anymore." I bribed him and he looked up at me with glossy eyes.

" I don't like him. He shouted at you and me and then you tell me he is my father. You use to cry over him at night when you thought I was asleep." Lucas cried out and I pulled him in for a hug.

" It's okay, You're okay, I'm okay. Don't cry over these things." I told him as I ran my fingers through his hair. I pulled away and whipped his tears as his glossy green eyes look up at me then to Ace who looked sad.

" Im -" he took a deep breath in which is something he does when he doesn't like to apologize.

" Im sorry." he said and got up to walk away but I pulled him back.

" Say it like you mean in." I told him.

" I'm sorry, Ace" he said and before I could say anything else Lucas ran upstairs and shouted

" I want to go home now, I hate it here!"

" Me too my love." I mumbled out.

I sat back on the chair as I ran a hand through my hair and let out a heavy breath. Amanda sat next to me and held me.

" Lea-" Ace began but I cut him off already knowing what he wanted to ask but ignored it and changed the topic.

" I'll come over every two weeks with Lucas so don't bother making a scene and I'm sorry about Lucas punching you. He has an attitude and short temper and he doesn't like anyone who shouts at him or his loved ones so you brang that on yourself." I said and got up walking towards my room to see Lucas asleep with tear stained cheeks. I felt bad but what he did was wrong.

I layed down next to him and covered us with a blanket. I cuddled with him and I slowly felt sleep take over me.


Author Note:

Hey everyone. I apologize for all the mistakes and slow updates I will try to update more and edit.

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