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( Leah)

We have been in Italy for two days now preparing for this war. In two days time I would get to see my baby back with me.

In those two days Ace has had me practice for battle with everyone else.

I was currently in the gym all by myself since it was late in the day and everyone had already finished up their practice.

I was punching the punching bag and then I send a kick towards it. Punch after punch and kick after kick I eventually got tired and sat down on the mat.

" That's good, Amore." Ace said from behind me.

" Don't call me that." I said as he made his way now standing infront of me.

" You use to love me calling you, Amore." he said with a smirk.

" Im no longer your love." I told him and he looked up at me in shock.

" Who told you what it meant?" he asked curious.

I took in a deep breath and got up from the floor.

" When Dante and I crossed paths in New York, six years ago. He made me promise him to learn myself and Lucas Italian and to give Lucas your family name so that he could have a piece of his father with him. Lucas full name is Lucas Giovane Steel." He looked at me with disappointment.

I turned around to walk back out of the gym but was stopped by Ace's voice.

" Leah wait." He said causing me to stop in my tracks. I turned around and walked towards him.

" What to you want?"I asked

" We need to talk." he said Ina soft tone.

I looked into his green eyes that only reminded me of Lucas.

" I didn't mean what I did in my office six years ago with that girl. I only did it to hurt you bu-" I cut him off.

" If you wanted to add salt to the wounds then I'm sorry it's not working." I told him.

" Lsten to me, the only reason I did all of that was to protect-"I cut him off again.

" To protect me I know. But why would you try to protect me in that type of way. Cheat on me then break me. That's not how you protect someone." I raised my voice at him.

His face softened and I looked into his the eyes as he looked into mine.

" When you cheated on me that day I was hurt really badly. It took me a full year to get over it." I paused and took a deep breath." I had nightmares and mental breakdowns and you know what was the worst part? I had to go to a therapist to deal with my shit. I had to sit there and think of lies because I couldn't say that I came from a mafia family." I only noticed now that tears rolled down my cheeks. I wiped them away and turned to walk away but Ace pulled me back and into his chest as he placed his hand over my mouth.

( Ace)

I stared into her teary grey eyes as she stared into my green ones.

When she told me all the things she went through when she left I felt horrible with myself. Did I really hurt her that bad that it ended up with her in therapy.

" I'm going to talk and you're going to listen. You won't interrupte me as I speak." I told her and she nodded her head in  cooperation I removed my hand and we sat down on the mat.

" The only reason why I cheated on you was to make it look believable. I had to hurt you so that the Russians would think we had nothing going on and that our marriage was nothing but a contract." I took a breath before continuing " Ever since our marriage I had been getting threats about your life and pictures of your every move. I wanted to deal with that first before I could give you all my attention."

She looked up at me like she was interested and nod for me to continue.

" When you left I took that as my chance and we attacked the Russian Empire killing everyone inside it. We stole all their data and burned their Empire to the ground. When I got back I tried to track and find you but there was no trace since you left all you jewelry at home aswell as your phone." I said.

" I looked for you for three years but I could find you." I told her and her eyes widened in shock.

" What you did was still wrong and how you did it was disgusting." she spat out.

" I know, I know and from the bottom of my heart I'm deeply sorry." I begged her for forgiveness. I begged nobody but when it comes to her I'll kiss her feet.

" Can we give us another try, please Leah." I asked looking at her and she looked down at the mat.

" Right now Lucas is my moon. I don't want to get hurt again so I think it's best we keep our distance." she said with a small smile and he words broke me but I didn't show my emotions. I have to except what I did was hurt her really badly and I have to sit with the consequences even though I did it to protect her.

I pulled her in for a hug and she hesitated for a while before hugging me back.

" Promise me something, don't hurt Lucas the way you hurt me when he gets back." she whispered out.

" I promise I won't." I said while rubbing small circles on her back. We stayed in that hugging position for a while before pulling away.

" We need to get our son back along with Jake." She said her face going cold and I liked it on her and the way she said our son.

" I promise we'll find them and bring them home safely." I told her.

How do I tell her I won't be able to move on without her and that my heart only beats for her. I can't go back to the way I first was before her. That cold heartless era was only an act right now. What I did scared her but it was the only way. I promise I will get her back one day.

Author Note:

Hey everyone I hope you liked this chapter. Please follow, vote, comment and share.

I made a few changes since I am editing a few chapters.

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