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( Leah)

We were all gathered downstairs to say our goodbyes. I felt emotional knowing that I woke see my family again for a while. But I guess sometimes there can be good in goodbye's. I will miss my mother and brothers mostly my mother.

Even though I use to be upset with her in the very beginning for not stopping my father from sending me off. I realised that he had done the same to her what he had to me. She could not help me through the saddest parts because she had to hide her own.

My mother will always have a special place in my heart even if she lives miles away.

Alley and I walk up to our parents and said our goodbye's.

" Let me know when you get home." I told my mom in a soft tone.

" I will sweetheart." she replied back while placing a kiss on my forehead.

" If you need anything even if it's just to get away from anyone I'm one call away. Any if dad tries anything please don't keep quiet you have suffered too much." I said with tears drooling down my cheeks and she pulled me in for one of her motherly hugs.

" I promise I will and you know your brothers won't allow him to come near me." she mumbled into my neck then pulled out of the hug placing another kiss on my forehead.

I walked over to all my brothers saying my goodbye's and messing their hair up. They pulled me into a group hug and told me that I should come visit them next time.

Alley came over to me and placed her arm around my neck as we walked towards the door.

We finally did a final family group hug and then our family got into the car.

They drove out of the gates and Alley and I watched as the car just got further and further away until we could no longer see it.

We turned around and walked inside. The boys soon left for work and Alley and I were home alone as Ace gave the workers a day off.

Alley and I sat in the living room watching movies until it was dark outside.

I got up and walked into the kitchen and started cooking food and Alley walked upstairs. I decided to bake cupcakes while the food was cooking and then Alley came back down with a bottle of champagne and glasses.

I smiled at her as she started to model until she reached me.

She opened the bottle and poured us both some and we started talking.

" Remember that time in kindergarden when you and Claire had beef with each other so you started a food fight with her during lunch time and got send to the office." I said while laughing out loud.

" Hey you can't blame me I was child looking for drama." she said letting out her cute giggle.

" Do you remember that time when you, me and Alex had chicken pox and we were so upset that they told us that we should stay in the room and we went outside and got all your other brothers affected." she laughed so loud she almost fell off the chair.

" What can I say we were kids with energy and we had to put it to use." I said laughing even louder.

I got up and checked on the food and saw that it was done and so was the cupcakes.

The door opened causeing Alley's and my attention to turn our heads towards the door. Dante and Ace came in and they looked tired.

I started getting everyone's plates ready for them.

Once I was done Alley helped me take it to the dinner table and everyone started digging in.

Once I was done I got up and went to go get the cupcakes and placed one infront of each person.

I took everyone's dirty plates and started to clean the dishes. I felt arms wrapped around my waist as a cleaned.

Looking by the tattoos on his arms I knew exactly who it was.

" Long day?" I asked.

" Yeah" he replied as he placed light kisses on my neck.

" Go take a shower and I'll meet you upstairs." I told him as he walked off and I quickly finished up.

I had already taken a shower a few hours back. I was now getting ready to walk over to Alley when I stopped in my tracks as I saw her and Dante making out. I quickly took out my phone and snapped a few pictures without them noticing.

I was supprised to catch them but who am I to say anything about those two love birds.

I quickly turned around and walked upstairs and entered Ace's room and locked it behind me.

He was laying in bed and I got in next to him. I made myself comfortable but he quickly pulled me closer to him and he spread my legs open and layed in between them and then he layed his head on my boobs.

I started to play with his hair as no words were shared between us. He was already tired I did not want to make any conversations with him.

His breathing started to slow down and his body relaxed against mine that's how I knew he was asleep.

I decided to turn on the big TV infront of me and watch a movie.

Then remembering the photo of Alley and Dante I grabbed my phone from under the pillow and went in by Alley contact number.

( The following would be the chats of Leah and Alley.)

sent photo

how did you get this photo?

I was on my way to say goodnight then walked in on the two of you making out so that's the time I took the photo of the both of you.

You're one sneeky little bitch but I love you.

Speak for yourself you do the exact same if not worse. I love you more.

Lol you should go sleep you've been on your feet all day.

Okay goodnight.



End of chat)

I turned the TV off and put my phone back under the pillow.
Laying back in the dark room my eyes slowly starting to close as I let the dark consume me.

Author Note:

I hope this chapter was good. Thank you for reading my book. I apologize for all the mistakes in the book I will try to edit where I can.

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