Night Out

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It was our night out. The nanny was currently looking after the boys while Leah, Alley, Amanda, Dante and myself was at the club. I chose one of the clubs that I owned since it was safer and closer to home.

When we walked into the loud music blasted through the room. You could smell the alcohol and body sweat.

Dante and I made our way to the VIP section as the woman made their way to bar. I told them that they could get someone to bring it to them since I owned the club but they insisted.

I called one of the waiters over to place an order and he looked scared as he dared not to look me in the eye while speaking to me.

" What can I get you boss?" he asked trying to sound brave but I could hear the fear in his question.

" Whiskey and make it strong." I ordered and he walked away.

I saw Leah dancing on the dance floor swaying her beautiful body to the music. She is such an amazing dancer.

The waiter came back with my order and I started drink it as it sent a strong burning sensation through my throat. It was a good type of burn.

" What do you think about Lucas?" Dante asked me and I turned my gaze to him and gave him a smirk at the thought of Lucas.

" His a handsome and great kid. He has become a great blessing in my life ever since I found out about him." I told him. He let out a light chuckle.

" You know what I think about him?" He asked.

"What?" I asked with curiosity.

" I think he is an exact copy like his father. I mean facial features, attitude, temper and let's no forget he throws amazing punches like his dad." He laughed out and I laughed with him.

" When do you think you and Alley with try for a kids?" I asked.

He sighed." Honestly we're in no rush. I don't mind having kids right now, I would love to but for now she's my number one priority." Dante said as he looked at me with a smile.

I took another sip of my Alcohol and turned to look at Leah and she was dancing with the girls.

The girls and I were dancing to the music. I could feel the adrenaline rush through my body as the alcohol started kicking in a while back.

I decided to make my way to the bar and order another shot. The bartender made his way towards me to take my order.

" Can I get a two shots of tequila please." I asked and after about five minutes I got my order and took the shots right infort of him.

" Enjoying the night I see." he said and I gave him a smile.

" Mom's night out." I replied.

" Enjoy every moment of it." he said and walked away to serve a few other customers.

I walked back to the dance floor to where the girls were and they pulled me into the center of the dance floor. We started dancing to the music. I swayed my hips to the music. Dante pulled Alley aside and I was dancing with Amanda as we screamed the lyrics to the songs.

We danced together till out feet hurt and we made our way to the VIP section to take a short break.

Ace was looking me up and down but I honestly did not care I just turned to have a conversation with Amanda.

( 5 hours later)

We stopped at a ice-cream place since Amanda and Alley insisted on having ice-cream on the way home.

We finally walked out of the shop with our ice-creams until a few girls came up to Ace and Dante looking for attention.

I was a little jealous but I said nothing about it since I remembered what happened last time.

I walked over to the car and leaned against it while the others just stood there. Alley looked pissed off with the other girls that were all over Dante while the others just threw glared at me and Amanda.

I let out a chuckle at how stupid they looked. They were so desperate.

" Why you laughing, wiredo?" The girl whom was all over Ace asked.

" No reason." I told her.

" Better be." she spat causing me to look at her full of anger.

" Excuse me?" I asked her.

" If I want your man I can have him. He clearly looks like him over you." she spat out cause me to laugh.

" First of all, He's not my man. Second, I'm not gonna fight over a man I'm not desperate I learned my lesson. Third, You can have if. His not mine to have anymore so you can have my leftovers." I told her causeing her and everyone else to gasp.

I got in the car and after a while everyone else got in to. I learned my lesson for fighting over a man. I can't be repeat the same mistakes twice.

The car ride back home was silent nobody spoke a word. I was drunk and I needed to sleep. I have a flight back home tomorrow so I have to get all the energy I can for tomorrow.

When we got home I walked straight to my room and saw Lucas sound a sleep in the bed. He looks so peaceful.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I placed my pajamas on the bed and walked back into the bathroom and undressed.

I stood under the warm water as it relaxed how tensed I felt. It calmed me down. After about twenty minutes in the shower I got out and brushed my hair and teeth. I then got dressed and climbed into bed. I cuddled into Lucas and played with his soft curly hair. I placed a kiss on his forehead and let sleep take over me.


Author Note :

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