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I woke up deciding to pack my clothes.

I got out of bed and took a shower. I then got out and picked an outfit.

 I then got out and picked an outfit

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The bruises started getting lighter. The wedding is in three days time. I have not even packed half of my clothes.

I decided it was best to do it now than later.

I never saw myself marrying a mafia Don. I have not even had a boyfriend yet alone lost my virginity.

My father might own a mafia but I am not the type of girl to hang with wild boys.

Maybe it is Destiny that I marry Ace. I mean he is godly handsome but his attitude is ridiculous.

I get cut off by a knock on the door.

" Who is it?" I asked.

" it's Alley open up." she said.

I walked towards the door and opened it.

She jump on me and gave me I tight hug. I huged her back.

We pulled away and I locked the door behind her.

" Whats up?" I asked.

" Your wedding is what's up. I haven't seen you in so long and why did you run away from home?" she asked.

" 1. Fuck my wedding, 2. I know I missed you so much, 3. I got cold feet." I replied making up an excuse for the last one. "

She let out a chuckle.

She started helping me pack my clothes and it went quicker.

" I better be your maid of honor. " she said in a joking tone.

" Always" I said.

She took my hands in hers and made me face her.

" You know you can tell me anything no matter what. I'm here for you Leah. I love you so much and no matter what happens I'll be here for you." she said I held back my tears and put a fake smile on.

I hugged her tightly.

" I know and I love you so much and the same goes for you I'm here for you no matter what happens. You will always be my bestie." I told her.

We pulled apart and continued to pack.

Alley ordered us pizza and we were currently sitting on my bed having our own conversation.

She told me about this boy she met but she does not want to go out into the dating life anytime soon.

Alley has been in a cupple rough relationships and it always leaves her heartbroken in the end.

" Have you chosen a wedding dress?" she asked.

" Yes I have it is currently arriving tomorrow." I said.

Mom forced me to buy a wedding dress. The dress is pretty not gonna lie.

" Oh okay I cont wait to see it on you. You will be the most beautiful bride I have ever seen." she said.

I gave her a tight hug and thanked her.

" I wish everyone could have someone like you in their life you are literally my favorite person in this world right now." I said.

" Awww " she said.

" Can I sleepover by you?" she asked.

" Sure. " I replied.

She made her way to the bathroom to take a shower and I layed on the bed.

If only I was a boy. How sweet would life be. I use to love my father but now I just see him as a regular person carrying the title of my father.

The amount of times I just wanted to scream and let go of everything and everyone and just run away and start a fresh.

Life is not fair but it's a beautiful mess.

I feel like no boy or man will ever get the chance to break my heart because my father was the first person to break it.

I hate feeling this way. It's like all I want to do is lay in the dark and sleep.

If only my brothers could understand how great they have it yes they might have their own problems too but they don't know the words their loving father says to their sister.

They don't know the battles their sister faces and not just physical but mental too.

I got cut of by Alley entering the room and she walked into the walk in closet and choose a pair of pajamas.

Once she was done I decided to hop in the shower and try to relax.

After about half an hour in the shower I got out and did a skin care routine soon after I walked out and into the walk in closet.

I picked out a black pair of pajamas and got dressed.

Once done I walked straight to bed and took out my book while Alley turned on the TV and I continued to read.

Soon after I decided to pick my phone up and skroll through social media for about two hours.

I decided to put my phone down and talk with Alley.

The movie soon ended and I turned to see a sleeping Alley.

I turned the TV off and I went to sleep.

Author Note :

Sorry for the short chapter. Please vote.

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