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<< Jisungs POV>>

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping.

I groan as I get up from bed to get ready for university. "School sucks"

I had already showered last night so I didn't need to shower this morning. I put on the clothes I ironed and hung last night and picked up the bag I had placed on the chair last night.

I looked at the clock and almost fell over in shock as I saw the time. "It's already seven?!" I gasped as I quickly ran through the door running downstairs where my mother stopped me in my tracks

"Where are you going, young man? You haven't even eaten your breakfast yet! Your gonna get a stomach ache" my mother scolded me

She shoves toast into my mouth and smiles sweetly at me. "have a nice day sweetheart. Also, you better hurry to school now, or you might miss your lecture!"

I nodded and rushed through the door feeling my lungs burn as I run to my university. It wasn't that far from my house.

As I arrive at the gates of my university I was immediately scolded by my best friend Hyunjin for coming late.

"Jisung! How could you! I waited here so long for you. I almost thought you died!" Hyunjin said dramatically

"Jeez stop being such a drama queen" I scoffed

"Let's just go to class," Hyunjin said as he side-eyed me. For some reason, it felt different like he was judging me and not just joking around.

I felt offended but I just decided to let it go

I and Hyunjin walked together to go to class when I suddenly bumped into someone taller than me but slightly shorter than Hyunjin.

It was Seugmin.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry... Here let me help you" Seungmin reached out a hand to help me up and I gladly accepted it taking my hand in his as he lifted me up

"Y'all can be all lovey-dovey but our class is about to start..." Hyujin said as he started walking off toward the class

I quickly thanked Seungmin and ran to Hyunjin trying to catch up with him

Damn, your long legs Hwang Hyunjin!

I cursed as I finally managed to keep up with my best friend.

We walked into the classroom together. Hyunjin took his seat in the far right corner. I sighed as I remembered that the teacher had forced me to sit in the front row because she said I wasn't paying enough attention

The worst part is that I had to sit next to the quiet kid whom everyone was too afraid to talk to since he looked so scary all the time. He always wore the same grey hoodie and jeans and his eyes had eye bags under them and he looked like he was crying all night.

But today was different. When he walked through the door. He was still the normal same hoodie same jeans same eye bags but this time he looked... Happier

I mean I wouldn't complain. After all, I was also feeling a bit happier after texting Minho last night.

We talked about action movies to complaining about how hard love can be.

He had only been texting Minho for about two months now but I felt as if I knew him for years.

I froze as he sat next to me and pulled out his earphones like he usually does to listen to music

I never got his name. Since I didn't have the guts to ask him and no one seemed to care enough to know his name. I usually just call him 'emo dude'

Deep down inside I secretly wanted to befriend this weird guy even if it cost my reputation. I was quite popular in some sports I participated in back then and was still quite popular now since I'm very social. Let's just say I'm good at hiding my emotions.

The rest of the class rushed In as the teacher walked into the class.

"Good morning everyone I hope you will have the best day today so let's just cut to the point and start" Said Mrs. Natalie as she turned her back to everyone and started writing on the board.

I roll my eyes as I started reading everything she wrote on the board.

Did I understand anything? No. For some reason, the subject was just too hard to learn.

I'll just ask Hyunjin to explain it to me I guess

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