9 Training

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Jisung got up at 6 am to start his training early.

He knew one person that was happy to teach him how to defend and fight. And that was Chan. Code name is CB97. He used to work with Jisung and he also escaped that hell hole of a place together. After that, they were best friends.

Jisung opened his drawer and grabbed the pretty dagger hiding in it. He stole it from Jiyoo before escaping with Chan just in case something came up.

"Bye, Mom! I'm going out to see Channie!" Jisung yelled out as he slid down the railings of the stairs hopping off before he could fall off and rushing through the door.

Jisung walked to the alleyway they were supposed to meet up then suddenly heard something move.

He scanned the place and chuckled. He ducked down dodging Chan's kick quickly getting up grabbing Chan's hand before he could even process what happened and slammed his body against the ground pulling out his dagger and pointing the tip of it to Chan's neck and kneeing both his legs.

"Touche Jisung, Touche. But I'm not coming down with only one kick" Chan punched Jisung in the face making him back away a bit then grabbed his dagger when his guard was down and grabbed his hand flipping him over and changing the position. Now Chan was on top of Jisung pointing the dagger to his neck.

Good thing I forgot to keep the other dagger from the mall.

Jisung pulled out another dagger that was hiding in his sleeve and pointed it to face Chan's heart.

(If your wondering how he hid a dagger in his sleeve without getting hurt don't ask me okay😭👌)

"Ah. Good. You brought two daggers as I told you to. Next time the first one to draw blood wins" Chan smiled getting off Jisung and throwing his dagger to the ground.

"Was this the training you spoke of?" Jisung glared at Chan

"Ya. And it looks like you already know it all. Almost. But it's enough to beat douchebags am I right?" Chan shrugged.

"Ya, ya whatever. Fuck you bitch" Jisung stuck his tongue out.

"Hey, Jisung... I was wondering. I sometimes missed the thrill of being an assassin... Wanna form a group of our own?" Chan asked shyly waiting for Jisungs answer.

"I also missed the thrill. Sure why not. But... Can I torture them before killing them?" Jisung said as his eyes lit up saying the last part.

"Sure sure. Do whatever I don't care. So what's your code name? Can't be Peter"

"How about.... J.ONE?" Jisung said waiting for the older male to answer

"Perfect. Now let's go find more people. I can't work with you only or my brain might just explode" Chan said sighing.

"That's offensive!" Jisung took it to heart

"Stop being so dramatic" Chan rolled his eyes

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