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"Minho? Where the hell are you taking me! I can't see shit!" Jisung screamed as he tripped over something while wearing a blindfold.

Luckily Minho caught him in time and smiled at him.

"You can take the blindfold off now!" Minho happily said as he reached from behind opening the blindfold revealing where they were right now.

"Why are we at the school garden and on a Saturday?" Jisung asked tilting his head slightly meaning he was confused.

Minho gasped dramatically before saying "This is where I first confessed and kissed you!" Minho said being overly dramatic

"Okay okay! You don't have to be so dramatic about it jeez!" Jisung said playfully shaking Minho a bit.

While he was shaking him Minho smirked and pulled the younger closer to his body by the waist and kissed him on the lips softly as Jisung soon kissed back.

Jisung smiled into the kiss making Minho smile too.

Jisung was the first one to pull out of the kiss and giggled while playfully slapping Minho on the shoulder softly. "You tricked me you ass hole!" Jisung groaned jokingly.

"Whatever you say Love~" Minho smiled. Still hands on Jisungs waist.

Jisung blushed at the new nickname.

"Oh... Do you not like me calling you Love?" Minho asked.

Jisung felt guilty and quickly shook his head. "NO. no no no! I love it" Jisung smiled.

"Well great so put your blindfold back on because we're going more places "



They went all kinds of places. The mall, a fun fair, a cafe, a skating rink, the movies, and finally they stopped at a alley.

It was dark but Jisung didn't wanna be quick to judge.

Soon tehy walked inside the alley hand in hand.

Jisung tightly squeezed the olders hand closing his eyes a bit because he was scared of the dark.

Minho softly squeezed his hand back reassuring him that everything is gonna be okay.

Soon after the whole alley way lit up with fairy lights. Surprise! The alley was very clean and had flowers almost everywhere. They were all Jisungs favourite flowers. Daisy's

Jisung gasped at this and started looking around in awe.

When he looked back at Minho he was already on his knee's with a small box in hand.

"I know we haven't even been boyfriends yet but I like to think that these last few weeks of us being lovey dovey we have been boyfriends. I know this was so sudden but i have realised that I can't live a life without you in it so... Will you. Han Jisung. Marry me? " Minho said as he slowly opened the box showing two beautiful rings shining into the youngers eyes.

"Wait really?! So sudden? Sorry Minho but i-"

"It was just a joke! I promise. But I will propose to you in the future. These are just promise rings. Promise to be my boyfriend forever until marriage" Minho quickly added but was kinda sad Jisung was actually gonna say no if he actually proposed. But he doesn't blame him. Since it was so sudden and they're not even boyfriends yet.

"Oh. Then..." Jisung added slowly

"YES" Jisung quickly pounced on Minho smothering him with kisses all over his face.

Minho chuckled and awed at the person infront of him and happily kissed him back.

They kissed like they were ending a fairytale. Or even a book

How weird.

The End


Hii sorry for another shitty book and so so sorry for the sudden holidays and the sudden date.

You MIGHT think I'm not posting anymore books after this one but


I'm gonna post the next book when it's finished <3

Just so yall don't needa wait long because of me having unnecessary holidays.


Good morning or night!

Look forward to my new book afterwards!

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