27 Kiss

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"Sung! Why didn't you come to school for so long! I swear I almost reported you as missing at the police station!" Hyunjin kept on complaining about Jisungs absence.

"I'm sorry it's just that Minho-" Jisung was trying to explain before he was cut of by Hyunjin.

"Minho?! I swear I'm gonna kick his ass" Hyunjin said as he grabbed Jisungs wrist and began to drag him to Minho's class. They're class ended early but his didn't.

After a few minutes for Jisung trying to explain and Hyunjin keep shushing him the class finally ended and Minho was the last one out.

Minho quickly noticed Jisung and Hyunjin and turned to them.

"Jagiya? Why are you here" He questioned.

"Wait! - No!. Ugh" Jisung face palmed himself.

"But time to call me that and Hyunjin don't do anything" Jisung instructed.

Hyunjins eyes immediately widen at the fact Minho called Jisung and smirked at them.

"Ohhh. I see. I'll leave you two alone. No funny business!" And with that Hyunjin left giggling leaving Minho confused and Jisung embarrassed

"So would you like to explain to me what just happened?" Minho said smirking as he leaned in closer putting his hand on Jisungs shoulder.

"No." Jisung just said as he brushed his arm off and started walking.

Jisung stopped awhile and looked back to see Minho sulking.

He sighed then said. "You coming or are you just gonna sulk there until the next class?"

Minho's eyes and mood immediately lit up the moment Jisung said that and immediately ran to be by the shorter boy's side happily.

Jisung rolled his eyes but secretly his heart was melting at the scene of Minho being so happy. And especially because it was because of himself.

They walked all the way to the garden together hand in hand since Minho insisted that they did to avoid the crowds but we all know it was just an excuse to hold the youngers hand

Jisung sat down on the grass as the older followed looking up at the sky peacefully and aweing at every bird he saw.

Minho smiled at this. He loved the younger. He couldn't hide his feelings for so long, he just couldn't. He wanted him all to himself

But he was worried. What if he rejects him? What if he's disgusted off him? What if he doesn't wanna be friends anymore? Those were all Minho's thoughts at the moment.

But he couldn't lie to the younger. Unless it's necessary.

He tapped Jisungs shoulder looking down so the younger wouldn't see his face while he cried while being rejected.

Jisung hummed in response and turned his head back to look at Minho. He was confused but he didn't question it just incase the older wasn't comfortable.

"Jisung... I-.... I-..." Minho sighed and gathered up all the courage he could get. "I love you so much Han Jisung I could die. The moment you came into my life I felt like it was the first time in years that I would ever be happy. Before we were friends I liked you a lot but I was confused of my feelings if I loved you or hated you. I hated how you always have this cheerful attitude, I hated you beacuse you kept smiling even in the hardest situations, I hated how many friends you had. But I loved you for it... I now realised that I was just denying my feelings for you beacuse of my father but now I'm free im finally going to choose what i wanna do and say. Now please reject me before I go to far!" Minho spoke fastly like he was rapping it but slow enough for Jisung to hear while tears finally escaped his eyes and dropping onto the palms of his hands as he covered his face.

Jisung was confused. Is this a dream?

Jisung thought as he started pinching himself over na over again wincing at the pain each time.

It isn't!

He quickly brought Minho into the biggest hug he ever did and started rubbing his back in a way to comfort the older. Don't think he hadn't heard Minho's cries.

"I love you to" Jisung simply just said.

Minho pulled out of the hug and looked at Jisung in shock

He loves me? He loves me! But wait what if he's just trying to cheer me up and is actually lying...

Minho's thoughts took over until Jisung tapped his shoulder.

"I know what's going on inside your head Min. I do love you. Maybe even from the start we became friends. I love you really and never think I'm lying when I say that, okay?" Jisung reassured him.

Minho looked back up to him. He cupped the youngers cheeks and quickly closed the gap in between their faces kissing him softly.

Jisung smiled into the kiss making Minho smile to.

Jisung was the first to pull back then pecked Minho's lips before saying.

"Min are you gonna ask me to be your boyfriend?" The younger said as his eyes lit up at the idea.

"No... Not now. I want to ask you on a date or something like that. Like something special... I hope you can understand" Minho said as he hung his head low.

Jisung nodded in approval then patted Minho's head like he was a cat and got up from the grass.

"Now lets go. Class almost starts" Jisung smiled as he reached his hand down to help Minho up.

"Gladly" Minho smiled and grabbed Jisungs hand and lifted himself up.

Suddenly they heard a picture being taken.

There they was. Felix, Hyunjin, and Seungmin. They were all squealing basically fan girling.

"YOU GAY" Felix pointed out at Jisung and fell down to his knee's in laughter.

"Felix your gay" Seungmin whispered.

"oh ya" Felix quickly go up and fake coughed before going back to fan girling.

"Lets just go. They're crazy hyung" Jisung covered his embarrassed face in Minho's neck.

"I agree" Minho said as they walked back into the school hand in hand once again.


I'm sorry for taking a day off

I was just really tired and couldn't find the time to start writing because of school and stuff.

I really shouldn't have taken a break

And also it's another 1000+ chapter!

Good morning or night to all of you!

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