15 Regret

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I changed my mind about the holiday

Writing is fun


Jisung woke up in Chan's bed and for the first time in a year, he was scared.

He looked at the time.

4:37 am

He shook his head and then looked over at Chan sleeping peacefully then looked down to see Minho sleeping peacefully on the ground in a sleeping bag.

He sighed and then remembered he had forgotten to clean up the trash upstairs in the basement.

He got off the bed quietly and then made his way to the attic.

He turned on the lights and almost gagged at the smell of the room.

He quickly cleaned the blood of the floor and weapons then looked over to the corpse and sighed.

He grabbed the big black plastic bags and stuffed the corpse and his limbs inside before tying it and throwing it over his shoulder.

He walked down the stairs and opened the front door then walked outside.

He started walking to the dumpsters cursing out why they were so far from Chan's house.

He started running when he forgot to bring a weapon with him and almost immediately reached there.

He quickly threw the body and was about to run back but suddenly something gripped onto his wrist spinning him around and pulling him close to their body.

"Hi, Hannie~" Eui smiled snaking his hands around Jisungs waist making sure he couldn't move.

When Jisung was still frozen in shock Eui quickly grabbed the fluffy handcuffs and cuffed them onto Jisungs hands slipping his head under both his hands making Jisungs hands over his neck and resting on his shoulders (if you know what I mean)

When Jisung was still frozen in shock Eui quickly grabbed the fluffy handcuffs and cuffed them onto Jisungs hands slipping his head under both his hands making Jisungs hands over his neck and resting on his shoulders (if you know what I mean)

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(Kinda like this but handcuffed. I'm in a grocery store while writing this lmao)

"Let go of me you jerk!! You said tomorrow!" Jisung struggled to get out of his strong grip but couldn't since his hands were trapped over his neck.

"Oh baby but it is tomorrow. Didn't you check the time? It's 4 am so it is tomorrow. And I'm too impatient to wait until the sun completely comes up so I just came now!" Eui smiled kissing Jisungs cheek as Jisung almost gagged from Euis's touch.

"Let me go or I'm gonna scream" Jisung threatened.

"We'll about that" Eui took both his hands off Jisungs waist and grabbed a gag from his pocket and grabbed Jisungs jaw with his free hand.

"Open wide or you'll never see your precious friends again" Eui threatened to look Jisung dead in the eyes.

Jisung was hesitant but soon gave up and opened his mouth.

Eui gagged his mouth and strapped it tightly behind his head.

He took Jisungs hands off his neck and pulled Jisung over his shoulder.

Jisung started kicking in all the directions he could trying to pick Eui and escape but Eui was just making it too hard for him to do shit

He started crying in defeat knowing he couldn't do anything either than just cry as he got taken away by Eui.

Knowing that he won Eui started walking back to his car once Jisung stopped trying to kick him.

He opened the passenger seat door and threw Jisung in it. He reached over and buckled his seat belt before closing the door and walking over to the driver's seat and got in also buckling his seatbelt.

Eui placed his hand on Jisungs thigh while he was driving smiling knowing that Jisung wasn't gonna try and fight him... Well for now.

Jisung couldn't care less about Eui's hand. All he could think of was his freedom, Chan, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Chan.

I hope they're alright...

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