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After hours of refilling, their guns and fighting Minho finally won and Chan smiled at him proudly just like how a father would to a son. Chan stood up and clapped his hands.

"Congratulations Minho. You are now officially part of this group and officially the sniper of this group!" Chan ran into the room and hugged him tightly.

Jisung still didn't know since the fight was so long and he fell asleep.

"May I?" Minho pointed over to Jisung and Chan nodded.

He slowly walked over to Jisung tapping on his shoulder making him wake up in confusion.

"W-what? Why aren't you fighting..?" Jisung rubbed his eyes with his palms making Minho melt in adoration

"Because I shot him. A headshot"

Jisung smiled at him and pulled him closer snuggling into his chest. "Come sleep with me I'm tired..." Jisung then fell asleep as Minhos face was as red as a tomato.

"Hey, guys should I buy a house in the woods so we can stay in and okay" Chan walked to them and immediately walked away once he saw them.

Minho couldn't care less at that moment because the only thing he could think of was the younger male in his hands. He slowly wrapped his hands around Jisungs waist surprised at how small it was. He kissed the crown of Jisungs head and slowly drifted off to sleep after all he was really tired


It only took them a few hours for Jisung to wake up but when he did he was a blushing mess once he saw that he was snuggling into Minhos chest while he held him close by the waist

He looked up at Minho to see him sleeping peacefully. God, he loved him.

Chan walked in and asked "Hey Jisung. If you want there's someone upstairs in the attic for you to... Yk. I think once you hear about the things he's done will get your blood pumped up"

Jisung's sighed as he slowly removed Minhos hands from his waist and snuck away and headed to the attic.

"Geez you look disgusting" Jisung frowned as he stared at the man in front of him in disgust.

"Well, you don't look too bad yourself. I would love to see you under me screaming my name tho~" The man stared at Jisung as his eyes roamed around his body licking his lips.

"Okay that's it" Jisung walked over to the table reading all the stuff that disgusting man did in fury

"You raped and killed your daughter?!" Jisung looked back at the man you can maybe see the little flames in his eyes the man nodded and smirked.

Jisung picked up a small knife that was thin and sharp and walked up to the man bending over.

The man was tired up to a chair of course

Jisung slid the knife down his shorts opening it.

"I'd love to see what you're gonna do~" The man smirked as he saw Jisung slowly cut open his shirt.

"Oh don't worry~ it'll be slow and painful" Jisung looked up and smiled at the man.

Jisung started cutting the man's chest open going deeper and deeper every time he cut further.

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