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Jeongin and Jisung were now at the party with Changbin as a waiter and Minho on the pillars.

They all had their earpieces on.

2 taps meant code red which was when someone or something looks suspicious

3 taps meant code green which was when they found their target

And 4 taps meant code blue which meant they were in trouble.

But if there's no time to count taps they just had to tap rapidly if they're like REALLY in danger.

Chan was waiting in the control room while Felix was in the computer room.

(Ya ya I know Felix was supposed to stay at home but he wanted to come so they brought the computer with them in the car)

Jeongin and Jisung started to walk around and try to find Yujin without being suspicious.

Minho was looking from above and finally found someone that was wearing the same thing Chan told them and the same hair.

He tapped his earpiece 3 times then told them where he was.

Minho spots him in a quite empty area.

"Wait! He's in an empty area. It might be a trap" Minho quickly said as he saw Jeongin and Jisung walking to that spot.

He then saw Changbin follow them. He

Jeongin, Jisung, and Changbin approached Yujin and struck up a conversation with him.

Not long after Chan turned the lights off.


Chan soon turned the lights back on and as he was about to walk to the door where Changbin was gonna come in suddenly he was yanked back.

"Sorry to interrupt your plan but I've got you now," Someone said she started pulling Chan by the hair to the room at the back.

There he saw Jisung, Jeongin, and Changbin tied up to a chair. But no Minho.

Thank god they didn't catch Minho! Chan sighed in relief but not too loud until they could hear.

"So well... I'm so sorry... Your gang killed my leader. I think it's time for payback" Yujin smiled as he held a gun to Chan's head.

"Move and he'll shoot them" Yujin threatened as he pointed over to the guy that was pretending to be him. He was holding a gun to Jisungs head.

No... No no no! This can't happen...

Chan lay on the ground as tears fell from his cheek.

Suddenly he had an idea.

"Well at least let me die stylish" Chan got up as Yujin nodded then started brushing his hair. He was secretly tapping his location in Morse code so that Felix and Minho could hear.

There weren't any security cameras in here and since he turned the lights off Felix and Minho couldn't see anything.

"Danger control room?" Felix said confused trying to put use to his brain.

"Minho go sneak into the control room. Chan said the danger in the control room. Don't get caught" Felix told Minho through the earpiece.

Minho then started moving from pillar to pillar until he got down and slowly opened the door successfully not making any sound then climbed back up on the pillars so he could attack from above.

He crawled until he was above Yujin.

He leaned down a little then aimed for Yujin.

He shot but.

Yujin moves away making him shoot Chan in the shoulder instead.

But luckily it was just scratched with a bit of blood coming out.

"You little shit..." Yujin chuckled as he quickly aimed for Minho shooting but luckily Minho was able to react in time.

He then shot the guy that was holding a gun to Jisungs head and shouted at Chan.


Yujin shot another bullet but then Minho dodged he fell off the pillar and hit his head on the ground pretty badly.

Yujin quickly picked Minho up by the collar and pointed the gun at his head.

Chan, Jeongin, Jisung, and Changbin stared at Yujin and Minho froze not knowing what to do.

"Guys it's fine ill handle it-" Minho was kicked in the stomach.

Before the others could react Yujin ran away with Minho kidnapping him.

I'll avenge you Eui! Yujin thought as he laughed crazily with Minho unconscious as he dragged him outside to the van.

"M-m-minho...!" Jisung cried out as he finally realized what happened.

Chan just stood there in shock.

"D-d-don't worry Jisung! We'll get him back I promise!" Chan said as he immediately went to comfort his member.

"We'll get him back... I promise..."

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