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Jisung stared at the long dark staircase that was going down to the basement as shivers went down his spine.

"God they expect me to go down there?" Jisung sighed carefully and slowly walked down the stairs and opened the door to the basement.

The room was dark quiet and scary.

He stood there for a few minutes rethinking his life decisions before...

"SURPRISE!!" Chan shouted out while shooting confetti in Jisungs face as he opened the lights while Minho was holding a cake forcing a smile feeling embarrassed.

Jisung fell back and landed on his butt surprised as Chan surprised him.

"OH uhh sorry," Chan held out a hand which Jisung took with a look on his face that shouted out "Seriously?"

"You almost made me have a heart attack just walking down these stairs! But thank you" Jisung walked into the room.

Minho placed the cake on the table and ran towards Jisung engulfing him in a hug

"Happy birthday lovely" Minho smiled at him.

Jisung turned red to the new nickname and hid his face in Minho's shoulder mumbling out "Lovely?"

Minho also turned red noticing what he just called him and immediately looked over to Chan who had been staring holes into the back of his head the whole time.


After what they called a 'party' Jisungs phone suddenly rang. He answered it and immediately froze as he heard his voice

"Hi, Hannie~ it's me again your only love. I'm coming for you and then you'll be just mine" Eui chuckled through the phone.

Jisungs grip on his phone loosened and dropped to the ground. He knew Eui was gonna come for him but he didn't know he was gonna come fast.

A tear escaped from his eyes and slid down his cheeks then he gave up and let all the tears go.

He dropped to the ground curled up into a ball crying his heart out.

Minho and Chan immediately got down with him and started comforting him.

"Jisung! What's wrong?!" Minho wasn't a good comforter (he's trying)

Chan's gaze immediately went to Jisungs phone. He picked up the phone and read the name of the caller "unknown"

He put the phone to his ear and said "Hello?"

"Ah! Chan. I hope you've been taking really good care of my Hannie. I'll be picking him up... Tomorrow" Eui smiled

"You are not taking him tomorrow Eui. Can't you just leave him alone?! He's already traumatized because of YOU. He doesn't love you. He hates you. And so do I just fuck off" Chan was beyond furious but also worried about Jisung knowing Eui was strong.


Eui ended the call with a grin on his face as he looked back at the photos he had secretly taken of Jisung.

"I'm coming for you sweetheart"


That's a wonderful way to end a party!

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