23 Apology...

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"Minho? Are you done? We're gonna leave soon and Felix managed to get one invitation" Chan said as he knocked on the door.

"Ya, I'm ready..." Minho said as he walked out the door in a black suit and a mask.

"Okay so that's everyone," Chan said as he brought Minho to the living room where everyone was waiting.

"Okay get in the car and let's go"

Everyone got into the car. Chan and Changbin were at the front Jisung and Jeongin were behind them and behind them were Minho and Felix. Chan forced them because of the argument last night.

Minho took a glance at Felix before turning his head back to look outside the window.

He wanted to talk to him but he was worried that Felix might have been mad at him because of last night.

Felix also wanted to talk to him like they did last time when they were still best friends but he was also worried that Minho might have still been mad about last night.

They both just started outside the window distancing themselves from each other not even sharing any glances.

Chan saw them and asked "Are you guys alright? If it's about you know... I can pull over and change the seats" Chan didn't want to tell the rest of the members about last night since he was scared that they were gonna question Felix and Minho about it and get them overwhelmed.

Minho and Felix not wanting to cause trouble replied at the same time. "No, it's alright"

Chan nodded and started to put all his focus on the road once again.

Knowing if they keep this up Chan will insist they would pull over and change seats so Minho decided to strike up a conversation like the rest of them did with their seatmate.

"Felix... I'm sorry about last night and... I'll forgive you since it wasn't your fault.." Minho said as he looked over to Felix. Felix not that long after looked over back at Minho, eyes sparkling.

"It's okay hyung! I forgive you too! About last night I mean" Felix said as he shot a beam of light as hugged Minho.

Minho smiled at this action and hugged back.

Chan smiled as he saw them hug and went back to talking with Changbin as he kept his eyes on the road

"Hey, do you think something happened last night?" Jisung questioned Jeongin.

"Ya, but I don't think we should ask" Jeongin shrugged.

All that mattered to Felix and Minho at that moment was that they finally fixed their friendship.

But the sweet moment was crushed when they reached they're destination...

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