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"We've got his new name, his new address, and his university and places he usually goes to! How can you dumbass not get him!" Eui shouted out scolding Jiyoo for his foolishness.

"But boss! He's the all-rounder! He's just too good! He even snuck the bullets out of my gun during a fight!" Jiyoo defended himself

"I don't care if it's impossible! We need him for this mission and we need him right now! There's no way we can kill this guy without Peter!" Eui shouted out pushing Jiyoo to the ground.

"If you can't get him'll send Yujin in. I expect us to have Peter wrapped around our finger by the end of the month" And with that, Eui left the room slamming the door behind him.

"Jeez, man. By the end of the month?! There's no way we're gonna catch PETER by the end of the month!" Jiyoo said pulling his hair in frustration as he also left the room shortly slamming the door behind him.


Minho scrolled through all the messages Josung has sent but he still didn't reply.


6 weeks ago

Hey Min!

4 weeks ago

Hey Min you haven't been replying to
My messages lately?

Are you okay?

2 weeks ago

You better not be dead right now.

1 week ago

Hi Min

I'm sorry for bothering you

I'll stop sending messages to you now
If you want

I'm sorry


Minho sighed as he finished reading the last message. It's probably for the best... Minho thought as he turned his phone off and headed downstairs.

"Lee Minho. Out. Right now. I gave you a warning and obviously, you didn't take it seriously. Go pack your stuff and leave this house" His father said with a calm tone of voice. It was really scary for Minho. Minho was about to leave when he spotted his little brother hiding behind his dads back with a black eye.

He couldn't care less at that moment. I mean he was being kicked out".

He went back upstairs and started only packing the things needed like food, water, clothes, toothbrush, and things like that since he only had one bag that was quite small.

Once Minho left the house only then he felt free. The only thing he could think of right now was that he was finally out of that hell hole. And then it suddenly hit him. Wait who's gonna pay for my university? Where will I live? I need to get a job.

Minho sighed as he took his phone out of his bag and opened it.

Call Stalker?

Yes. No.

Minho waited for a while before Jisung picked up.

"Oh my god Min! Why haven't you been replying to me? I was worried sick!" Jisung said craving for Minho to answer his questions

"Yo, chill! I'm finally free! Free from my hell hole! I got kicked out and-" Before Minho could continue Jisung interrupted him.


"No... But I'm gonna get a job. Hopefully." Mingo said casually

"But where will you stay? I remember you saying that I was your only friend"

"I snagged thousands of dollars from my dad's wallet for years. I can find an apartment for myself to stay. But I still need a job."

"Oh uh. Minho I gotta go now. See you later! Get a job and an apartment and live safely! Please"

The call ended.


Minho first went to look for an apartment to stay in. It took a while but Minho eventually found an apartment that suited his style.


He entered his apartment room and smiled seeing that it was already filled with furniture.

Yes!! Minho shouted out in his brain as he started exploring his new apartment.

"Now I just need to find a job... Aha! I know. I saw this poster at a cat cafe saying they needed employees! I'll just go work there."


"Peter~~ oh Peter~ you can't hide forever you know. Aha! Found you!" Yujin turned around and grabbed the younger male's wrists twisting them then stepping on his foot then kicking him down before he could react.

He grabbed Jisungs ankle and twisted it making him cry in pain.

He gripped his injured ankle and started dragging him into a room.

"PLEASE! YUJIN LET GO OF ME!" Josung couldn't fight back. Not in this state. He was weak and everything hurt. Accepting his defeat he stopped wasting energy trying to get out of Yujins grip and cried as he could only wait until he had enough energy to fight back.

"Please... Please... AGHH"

Jisung jumped from his bed looking around the room and sighing in relief once he knew he wasn't there anymore. He was a crying mess at that point. He looked at the time.

4:14 am

I haven't had that dream since forever...

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