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"Okay so... Changbin can be the fighter, Felix can hack, and Jeongin can help Jisung with torture and disguise," Chan said smiling at the three of them in front of them.

Chang wasn't even surprised he got fighter, Felix was happily cheering that he got hacker, and Jeongin was happy he could work with Jisung since he had grown very close with him in jail.

"Felix I need the information about this guy named Yujin. Turns out that after Eui died he became a leader and we need to do something about it since Minho has reported hearing them plan about something. He couldn't stay and hear the plan since guards were coming his way" Chan ordered Felix and showed him the hacking room to work.

Felix nodded and started working. He was good at getting information.


After they left Minho and Jisung were left alone together in the living room. It was awkwardly silent.

"Sooo... Uhh. Wanna make out?" Mingo tried to start a conversation as he leaned closer to Jisung grinning.

"What! You're crazily confident!" Jisung said in surprise at how confident Minho was and took a step back leaning against the wall as he couldn't move anymore.

"What? Nobody's watching..." Minho said as he leaned in closer trapping Jisung by pinning him against the wall with both hands on Jisungs side. But of course, he was kidding... Not really.

"B-b-but" Jisung stumbled on his own words as he felt butterflies in his stomach and heat rising to his cheeks.

"Hey, guys! Guess who-" Chan said as he burst through the door but froze once he saw the position Jisung and Minho were in.

"BUUUUT. LOOK THERES CHAN!!" Jisung said happily as he slid under Minhos hands and ran to hide behind Chan

"MINHO. WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY CHILD" Chan shouted out. If you looked closer maybe you could see the little flame in his eyes.

"I'm sorry!!" Minho immediately started running once Chan decided to kill him and started chasing Minho with a knife in his hand.

"IM SORRY!!" Minho shouted out laughing at the same time while being chased around.

"Okayyy. I'm out" Jisung said as he was about to escape from the scene Minho pulled Jisung by the wrist and picked him up running with him in his arms.

"MINHO PUT HIM DOWN YOU'RE GONNA GET HIM AND YOURSELF HURT" Chan stopped running worried that Minho will trip over something and they would get hurt.

"Ahaa. I knew that would work" Minho said as he dropped Jisung on the ground.

"What have I gotten myself into," Changbin said as he was standing at the doorway blinking rapidly as he had been watching them since just now.

"Hey Chan. I got the information" Felix said as he walked into the room holding a piece of paper with the information on it.

"Oh good" Chan said as he threw the knife on the wall almost stabbing Minho in the head then walking towards Felix.

"Chan! What the heck dude!" Minho said as he ducked down before the knife could hit him.

Chan took the paper and gathered everyone in a meeting room.


Sorry I got bored ☹️

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