18 Prison

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A cop pushed Jisung into his cell locking the door behind him before he could attack them.

Chan and Minho were already put in their cells but they were put together leaving Jisung to have a roommate he doesn't know.

The cells were far apart from each other so they wouldn't do any funny stuff.

Jisung broke down and fell to the floor hugging his legs to his chest crying since he hated prison and had trauma in it.

"Hey hey hey! Please don't cry!" A boy that was at least one year younger than Jisung quickly got down and rubbed circles around Jisungs back.

"What's wrong?? Sorry, I'm not good at comforting" the boy said while Jisung looked up to see him.

He looked like a fox.

"I'm sorry for crying... It's just that... I have trauma here" Jisung wiped away his tears and stood up to go and sit on his bed.

"It's okay. And since we're gonna be here for idk how long let's try and be friends okay? I'm Jeongin and if you look at the cell beside us with a window there's Felix and Changbin. My friends! They're nice so I think you should befriend them" Jeongin said happily.

"Hey, Jeongin! Who's your friend there!! He's so cute!" Felix shouted out trying to reach from the bars.

"Oh, I'm... Jisung. I'm Jisung and I'm here for murder" Jisung said as the 3 of them stared at him in shock.

"How can such a small and cute thing do murder!" Changbin gasped.

"I'm in a gang where I kill and torture people you know?" Jisung giggled as he saweversaw everyone's faces.

"Like... The mafia?!" Felix shot up excitedly.

"Ehhh. Something like that" Jisung shrugged.

"What do you do?! What's your code name?! Tell me tell me tell me!!" Felix kept asking for answers.

"My code name is... J. One or Peter" Jisung said whispering over to Felix.

"OMG. Are you in the group XZ?!" Felix almost shouted out in excitement that he was talking to a famous murderer.

".... I was in the group but I escaped a year ago.." Jisung sighed as he tried to forget all those memories.

"Escape..? What do you mean to escape?" Felix said curious but also feeling bad.

"They manipulated me, used me, abused me, they also used me for my body... I got sick of it and I decided to escape.." Jisung looked down as tests fell remembering what they did.

"W-w-wait!! I'm sorry! Please don't cry!" Felix panicked as he tried to calm down Jisung.

"Jisung! Please please don't cry!" Jeongin panicked as well.

"Well, I don't blame them. I mean look at his body~" the man from the cell in front of them said as he licked his lips starting at Jisungs body up and down.

Jeongin sent daggers to him then turned all his attention back to Jisung.


"Chan! We're Jisung?!" Minho said in a panic since Jisung wasn't put in the cellar in front of them or beside them.

"Calm down. He's just on the... Another side of the room. Damn," Chan said as he spotted Jisung crying in the other cells across the room.

"He's crying.." Chan sighed as he looked over to Minho.

"Why did they separate us? Why did we get together but not Jisung? What if his cellmate is a total pervert and tries to touch him?! " Minho broke down overthinking of what could happen to Jisung.

"Minho don't worry! Jisung knows how to handle himself im sure of it.." Chan said but secretly he's also starting to overthink about Jisung and his cellmate.

"Hey Minho? I got a plan on how to escape" Chan finally thought of a plan.

"Really ?! What is it!" Minho shot up excited to get out of here.

"Okay.. Soo.."

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